'I Bet on Losing Dogs' (c!Tubbo)

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Hello sorry for updating this late. It was my 21 birthday this past week.  But back to the point. This is about c!tubbo on dsmp.  Of him having a older siblings. Also this is kinda based off two songs.
1. 'I Bet on Losing Dogs' by Mitski
I can't remember the second so sorry and enjoy this story.
Minecraft au/siblings au


He was scared. Losing his best friend. Losing the freedom he once had  He thought it was for the best of the country. To exile him. Ghostbur handed him a compass, 'Your Tommy,' it was one of his prize passion. Until the creeper blew up destroying it. The one thing that brought him close to Tommy just got destroyed. He felt alone again. He wanted to see his older sibling but after the first war, they left. "I will be back for you Tubbo. Whenever you need me I will be there for you. I love you brother." Those were their last words before getting on the horse. No one knew where they were. Or if they were alive. He was hopeful of their return. Waited for years. And he would wait for more.

But everyone had secrets. Y/n and Wilbur had a secret. An agreement if they might say.

"Its simple you leave, do not return. Leaving your brother here with us," Wilbur said. "You can't be serious Wilbur. He is my brother. If he wants to come he can. I'm not gonna let you take him away from me, Wilbur!" He stood up from his chair, "The second you began to talk to George your time here was up. And tubbo is a free man l. He wouldn't have done something like this y/n." y/n looked outside to see their brother playing with Tommy. In their lake, tubbo counted the bees. But it was true as soon as they started to talk to George. Everyone here would find out and be broken. It was a decision they didn't want to make. Turning to face the man "-If I do this you have to promise me he will be safe and no one will find out why I left." Wilbur noticed their defeat. He nods his head. Looking at y/n with a sad expression. "Tonight I will leave." With that they left the van.

He would wonder where they were. If it was his fault for making them leave. So he would try to cover up his pain of losing them both by making people pay for destroying or wrong his country. Only to be alone. Everyone changed and slowly he knew he had too. He didn't. He would go to a room with a mirror and look at himself. He was different from the child in L'manburg.

In the far distance, a figure appeared with a cloak. With a grim face looking down at the boy. Noticing as he was about to cry. The figure wanted to throw an ender pearl in the window to the boy. As another clock emerges from the shadows. "Not now. We have to keep going y/n"  They looked to the floor to notice two more people in cloaks."It never is George. It never is." They stood looking once more at their brother then walked away. The cloak was gonna follow them. One stopped them both to follow y/n. "They need to be alone"  George sighs as Karl place a hand on his shoulder.

So it was just me in the woods looking at the sky. Feeling the horns from the side of my head. "Sorry I wasn't a good sibling tubbo" That's what I would tell him. The bushes behind them were rustling. "Y/n?" They turned quickly to see a ghost. "Wilbur." The ghost started to walk over to me. "Oh no my name is Ghostbur. Do you need some blue?" Brings out some blue wool from their pocket. He started to bring it close to me as I got off the hold of it. "Need Company?" I shrugged. So he just floated next to me. "What can you remember ghostbur?" Ghostbur was quite different from the Wilbur I once knew. " OH I remember all the good things, not like Wilbur. Remember all the time me and you back in L'Manburg. The dancing. The singing. You helped me take care of the boys including Fundy alongside Eret." The memory passed my mind as I a mile slightly looking at the wool. "Y/n," I turned to Ghostbur, "If you don't mind me asking- Why did you leave L'Manburg? That part was just a blur to me if I tried to remember." I looked back to the floor. I shouldn't have tell him why but he wondered why. "Well Ghostbur, one night I was in the smp just walking around. This was after the War but before the election. In that free time. I met George. He was alone just sitting on the bench. So I decided to sit next to him. He was nervous at first but something flickered in him that made him not nervous anymore. It was nice to have other friends. It sounds weird but it's true. Well as me and George continued to talk, Wilbur was getting suspicious on where I was going at night or during the day. So he followed me and one night George was going to show me more of his friends. That's when Wilbur noticed and took me away from George rushing me back to L'Manburg. He made me a deal that if I leave there he was going to take care of tubbo. But if I stayed it wouldn't have been good for me."  it was quiet between the two.

Ghostbur never heard about this. He would ask others but nothing was close to this. "Everyone told me that You decide to leave One day." I just shock my head.

In the trees, sat the boy with horns. Staring at them both. He saw his older sibling.

"If you were to see him again what would you say?"  Ghostbur question. "I would apologize. I'm proud of what he has done here. I have seen in on top of building seeing him change. But sad that at a young age he had to fight in wars. I just wish he could've come with me. Away from here but this is his home and I can't take that away from him."

Tubbo was sad about how his sibling felt. He also knew that it was true.

So y/n stood, "Thanks ghostbur for listening." Ghostbur smiled, " of course I love to hear people's adventures or story. But I must be going. Phil has 'Friend.' 'Friend' might be waiting for me, goodbye y/n." With that he walked to the portal. I walked back into the Forest. I felt someone there. As I turned to look around, George appeared. "Sorry Um Sapnap and Karl are waiting for you to come." I smiled as I nod. "Let's go" we both walked off.

Tubbo saw his sibling getting closer so he took a invis potion fast. He dropped a glass bottle. Saw them turn close to them. He wanted to hug them but he didn't. Then George appeared. In seconds they left.

Just like that Tubbo was all alone once again. But now knowing his sibling was looking out for him

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