Fool (Dream&Wilbur)

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This story is based on true even that happened to me but it was during my 8th grade. The Wilbur part did not happen. So this is "Fool by Frankie Cosmos" also was inspired by "Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers
High School Au
Also I use a fake last name for Dream and this is First-person


April fool. The day was full of jokes. Honestly, I like the holiday. Seeing the pranks people pulled in high school. As a student that was the best part. The seniors pulled pranks on the teacher. They dislike it. Or the taking it out on the Principle

"Honestly, Why did April Fools have to be on a school day?" Hannah asked. She turned to look at me. Honestly, I wasn't even paying attention till she nudged me. "Huh? What did you say Hannah?'  She looked over at me as she sighed. "What were you looking at," She looked in the direction I was looking at, "Really?" She notices him. I turn to see him.

Clay "Dream" Jones. Football player. Cute smile. Perfect body. Green eyes. Dirty Blonde hair. Nice smile.

"Stop drooling over him."  I looked back over at Hannah." I'm sorry okay he's just so cute or handsome even." I shrugged my shoulders. "Whatever you say but let's go eat something." with that we both left

Lunch was the same one line for burgers. One line for pizza. One line for something else didn't know what it was called. So I went for a pizza. Who could mess up a  pizza right. I mean it was alright. We walked to a table with the rest of our friends. The side of me was Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. In front of me was Hannah alongside her were Niki, Jack, and Charlie. It was nice. Talking or most of the time it was Screaming (Talking loud) cause of Tommy.

He walked by my table to go to his, He stood while his friends sat. He was talking to his friend at his table. In the back of Hannah were Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl. In front of Sanap were George, Punz, and Foolish. I would just look at his body as if it were a reward that I won. If he was a model and I was the painter taking in every detail he was.

Dream pov
I would notice their stare from a mile away. Everyone knew about y/n crush on me. Honestly, I don't feel the same. Everyone knew that but y/n. George looks over at the table, "Your little admire is staring at you again."  I rolled my eyes as I look to the side table. Y/n turned her head to talk to Wilbur. What was sad about this whole thing was Wilbur admired y/n while y/n admire me. I rolled my eyes talking to the table as we left to go to the hallways. "Honestly Dream why make y/n face red if you aren't gonna do something about it?"  Sapnap question as he stood beside me. I rolled my eye. "Yeah why not just play with it. I mean today is April Fools Dream." Punz followed up

Y/n pov
"Honestly I don't see what you see in him?"  Wilbur asked. "I just think he's cute okay. I mean I don't see a problem with that?"  I stood as I looked over at Hannah and Niki, "Are you both ready to go?"  They stood saying bye to the rest walking out of the cafeteria. Heading to the courtyard. Just to hear a flash of lightning with the rain. "Well, we can't go outside now,"  I nod as I look over at Hannah. Then we just stay in the hallways finding a spot to talk. We stood for about 5 minutes. Till Hannah and Niki stopped stalking looking behind me. "Hey y/n?"  It was him. I smile as I started to breathe. Turning to face him, "Yes Clay how can I help you."  His friend was behind him waiting for him. "Look I know we don't talk or anything but I was wondering would you wanna go out."  I was flabbergasted and instantly said, "Yes when-"  BEfore I even finished what I was going to say.  His friend said, "April Fools," With that, they all left with laughs. I have forgotten what today was as I laugh, "Yeah April Fools," I turned back to my friends with a smile but tears were filling my eyes. Before they could even speak The bell rang. "Got to go to class see you after,"  I left them going to the class. Putting my backpack down walking to the bathroom into one of the stalls.  There were no words for me to say

That was a lie, How could I be so stupid? Why did you say yes? Of course, it was a joke y/n?  The bell ringed again as if it was just me in the bathroom. So I cried over a boy and a joke. Getting out of the still, I cleaned my face walking out to just being hugged by him. U accepted it hugging him back

Wilbur held me as I just cried, getting his shirt a little wet. Sometimes he didn't know what to say. "Before you say anything like you told me say-," Wilbur laughed a little, "I mean I could tell you that another time. But Sorry for what happened with Dream, He is a real ass." I just laughed a little pulling back from the hug to look at Wilbur. "Next time I see him I will beat his ass," That's what got me. "Wilbur it's fine what's done is done we can't travel back in time to fix one thing I said or something. I did what I did because I liked him. Today was the perfect day to prank someone like that so he took it. It was a dick move but what can I do."  Wilbur wiped some of my tears as I placed my hands on top of his hand.

Time slowed down as I looked at Wilbur's eyes. Standing a little taller over me as I smile. He was going to say something. "Hey you two," A teacher saw us as we moved away from each other. "Get to class and don't make me find you two out of class." We both nod. Wilbur turned to me and just waved bye. "See you later". I nod watching him walk away. I hear a cough losing my train of thoughts, "You too y/n." I nod walking to my class

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