Revenge(c!Karl jacobs)

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Happy late new year!! How is everyone sorry for not putting up a story please forgive me. Thanks for 5k I didn't see it until yesterday we'll day before yesterday but thank you!! Anyways today's story is about c! Karl and how he wants your love. Only because you are married to Sapnap and Quackity heir(I think that is the wrong word or not) the song is 'Revenge' by XXXTENTACIO. I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: death, kidnapping, and a sleeping pill


Why do I go back to her? She doesn't even acknowledge me so why do I go? Why do I leave my partners to go see them? Why do I time-travel to an era she lives in? I'm in a better place without them. I have Sapnap and Quackity. But I need her. I want her to love me like she loves any other man. I need it. In this whole process im losing myself. I feel like each time I travel something else is happening to me. But I'm every timeline I find myself back to her. Back to my Y/n.

I closed my book. Looking out the window to see her walking and giving out flowers. It's a typical thing for him to do honestly that's why I like her so much. Her caring side in this timeline. Then he saw him. Not only him but the others as well. The man she is married to. One is from descendants from Helga(The village that went Mad) and the other is a descendant from James(the Masquerade). They were both of his fiancés but they weren't with him. They were with y/n. Why couldn't she look at me the way she looked at them? I want that! I would do anything for that! I shouted in my head hitting a wood.

Hearing a thump y/n glanced over at me giving a nod. Kissing both versions of Sapnap and Quackity that I didn't recall their names from this era. I wanted to but I didn't want to hate them. I wanted to be happy for all three of them but somehow I couldn't. Y/n rushed over to the thud only to see Karl curled up crying. "What's the wrong karl?" She went close to him rubbing his shoulder to me only placing my head on their thigh. Y/n just sat down next to me and stayed quiet. Y/n didn't talk till I was crying," "wanna talk about it?" How can she be so sweet to me? Yet not see that I am in love with her. She started to stroke my hair softly. My hands went to hers to hold them. Her breath stopped. Sitting up next to her. "How do you stop being in love with someone who you can't have?" There was silence between the two while she stared at her partners as for Karl to just stare at her.

"You know he likes her." Quackity heir said while talking to Sapnap. They both look at the two with Karl staring at y/n. "Well I don't think y/n likes him at all," they both glassed back over to y/n with a smile, "she only likes him as a friend come on Alex." They both walked off to their house.

I invited y/n back to my house just for dinner. She said she wouldn't mind being over or her partners. She just needed to head home to clean up and meet me at my house. I know what I'm gonna do tonight isn't gonna be good but....

Closing my book. Hearing the front door knock I open it seeing y/n in a red dress it looked nice on her. "Hey, Karl may I come in?" I nod opening it wider for her and then locking it after she comes in. She made her way to the kitchen waiting for me. I handed her a wine glass with red wine and she accepted. I turned my back to her as I took a small sip then a glass fell.

The night was quiet and she was still asleep with her hands in cuffs holding them up to a hook. All I did was stare at her. Admire her beauty up close again. Hearing the groan she started to wake up slowly. "Morning y/n" she stares at me trying to move her arms but not making much progress she glances at her cuffs. "Karl why am I cuffed please get me off this," she struggles more with the worry on her face some tears start to fall. I quickly stand up placing my hand to touch her face. She quickly jerks away. "I am the only one keeping you alive y/n," I got her jaw facing her face to me. I wipe her tears slowly. "Don't worry I won't kill you. y/n I will never kill you. I love you too much to kill you." I moved my hands away from her with her eyes red. "Please karl I need to go back to Alex and-" I grabbed the wretch and hit the brick from the wall. She had to bring them up. "No you are staying here with me okay," I brought the wrench closer to her, "they don't love you. I love you and you will love me right?" She just nods her head. "There see," I placed the wrench to the floor, "now I will let the cuffs off."

For y/n, this was her chance to make a run from him. This wasn't the Karl she knew. Hopefully, she will find her Alex and Roger.

Pulling the hook down and the key in my pocket. Turning it to let one go then shortly the other. I held her hand as we made it up to a different area. "This is my other home." She looked around letting go of her hand. She smiled slowly. Within a second she ran to the door. This couldn't be happening. I grab a knife running after her. The trees and bushes were hitting them both. The Second she got off me I made it close to her. To only see her falling. Standing over her. I got on top of her to only stab her. 3 times

There he placed her against the tree. He sat beside her with the knife in his hand. he cried wanting to love a woman that wouldn't love him back with her blood on his hand.

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