Sleep Well (Foolish)

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Hello everyone, sorry for this being 'late' but I found out something that is happening in my personal life. So maybe there will be sad story next time. Anyways Thank you got 27k reads and votes and saves. I do appreciate so so much. This week story is Foolish. The song is sleep well by d4vd. I hope you enjoy.


Talking to someone random on the internet can lead to many things. Good or Bad. You never know what is gonna happen. Maybe you are talking to some old guy maybe you are talking to genuine person. Or you are just talking to a boy. No matter what you never know what's on the other side. But with all odd I tried a website to text to a random person. So I took those odds and I texted a name online that is Foolish. He is 24. He from the state of Ohio. He played sports. Nothing else. He never told about work life. I never talked about mine. He never gave me his real name. I used a fake name aswell so I messaged him everyday in the app then gave each other our numbers. Then on the rest was just a guessing game of how we would meet. The message only do so much till he insists on calling me that night. That was more than I needed. The first time we called on the phone. He told me that he will call that night so I stayed by my phone. Trying to ease the anxiety I had with a movie. So I waited a hour passed then another  and another. I just watched the movie not wanting to think of it till my phone rang. It was him. Taking in a breathe answering with an hello. When I heard his voice it wasn't how I imagined it. Not in a bad way I swear. His voice was noice. Honestly I could fall asleep to his words. He spoke clear. With a ramble sometimes. Going off to different subjects then back to the main topic. His laugh is my favorite. When we ended that call looking at phone just giving a smile. The call help me realize how deep in love with him.

After months, he was real. The person I talked to through a phone is real. This will be the first I seen him face to face. Never telling me his name. Never told me how he looked like. He said he was gonna be wearing blue and white lose flannel with black pants. Really hoping for more that that. But also he said he was gonna hold a sign with my name on it. Walking out of the plane I was nervous the more I walk the more it got real for me. Entering the building I found my bags making my way to the front. Looking around for someone matching his description. Within a minute I found him and I was Starstruck. From his hair to his eye to his smile with him holding the sign. All he did was look around and wait for me. This beautiful man was waiting for me. All I did was stare then walked up to him. He watched me walk closer as he started to walk to me with a smile. Standing two steps from each other. 'Hey y/n,' his voice just made me smile as I nod. 'Hey fo-,' he stopped me mid sentence, 'Noah, that my name my real name.'  Giving a smile, 'nice to finally see you Noah.'

After that first time of meeting we would see each other once every two months. We never lost touch. He told me what he does and I would watch him ether from my phone or me getting him the food he order. Passing it to him and I sit in the back. I watch him talk to his chat. Watch him react to videos or him just playing games. All I did would stare at him. Chat would notice it happening and would type it out. I leave before he starts to ask me questions about what they are talking about. More and more I fell for him. It's like those he fell first and she fell harder scenario but it's one sided. Now I'm packing to head back home.

I wanted her to be mine. I waited to long for Yn not be mine right. When I first heard her talk I was scared she wasn't gonna answer or be upset if I didn't call her so I ended my stream early. I stared at my phone. Waiting for the perfect time to call her. When the time was right I did it. She had such a nice voice. Then I got to meet her few months later. She was prettier than I imagined. Now she's in my house. Helping me most times. Bringing me my food when I stream. Talk with my stream. She doesn't know but I notice her stare when I'm busy. Then notice other people in chat comments on it as I smile. I like her. I want to tell her before she leaves tonight. I wanted to tell her on the first time I saw her at the airport. But I never did. So tonight I will.

He ended his stream early as I stay in my room to hear a knock as I open the door. He stood there as a dear to headlights as i tilt my head. 'Yes Noah?' He blinked as he gave a soft smile. 'I was wondering if you want to sleep in my room just for tonight because you will leave tomorrow.' Now I felt the deer in headlights without know I just nod my head. With that he left. I stayed by the door not know what happened till he called my name. I made my way to his room. His room was neat not messy messy or clean clean just neat. Walking towards his bed as he went to the bathroom. Laying on his bed I just watch the ceiling basically hearing what he was doing in the bathroom. I didn't know what was gonna happen so I laid on my side. Hearing the light switch go off I felt him going under the blanket. 'This doesn't have to be weird right?' He ask, turning off to look at a glimpse of his face. 'No why would it be weird?' Feeling him get closer with his hand touching the side of my body. 'So this is fine?' I hummed getting closer to feel his body. His heartbeat were quicken as I give a laugh. There was silence between us. This silence was nice. Till he spoke, 'the sunrise will be beautiful won't it y/n?' (I like you and I don't want you to leave me) . His body started to relax as soon as he said those words. Giving a smile at those words. 'I wouldn't miss it anymore Noah.' (I like you too and I won't leave)

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