P.S. I LOVE YOU (Dream)

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Helloo again, thanks for 11k and the new saves to the reading list.  There is nothing much I could say today. So the song is, 'P.S. I LOVE YOU,' by Paul Partohap. If any requests please let me know and I hope you enjoy this story.

In the time, I have been dating Dream. There were many things that me and Dream like about each other that the other didn't like. Like one thing that Dream loved that I hated were my hiccups. Oh man my hiccups. They would just come out out of no where. Well I can't do anything to get rid of them before with all the ways. Getting scared. Holding my breath. Drinking water. But nothing work. Every time the hiccups would come Dream would laugh about it and record a video. I wouldn't mind it but I hated my hiccups. But Dream love it so I couldn't argue about it.

Finally after a week. They survived over 50 hours in Antarctica. Finally, Dream and his friends were coming home from their trip with Mr.Beast. So I just wanted to make them all a soup and buy medicine for them. Mostly Dream. He had the cold and what George told me he just got worse. So I feed patches heading to the kitchen, laying out my ingredients for caldo (Mexican chicken soup). I started to cut up the carrots finding a pot to place them in. Hiccup.  Staying still if I heard myself right. I waited what felt like a minute nothing happened. Placing the carrots in as well as some cut up potatoes. Hiccup.  Today out of all the days hiccups come. They could've com yesterday or last week. I gave in a sigh shaking my head. So I just have to keep making the food with hiccups happening every minute or so. Putting everything in the pot. The stove was on. Waiting for the next step. Trying to keep my head occupied while the hiccups just kept going. Putting in the season I heard my phone go off. Pulling out my phone from my pocket. I noticed the name as I smiled. 'Hello stranger have you all landed already.' I sat on top of the counter as I smile. 'No we just have one more plane till we get home. How's everything there at the house.' I heard from his voice he was sick. More sick before he went to Antarctica. I give a look around. 'Beside it being quite. I think it's- Hiccup.' I cursed under my breath, looking over at the pot, 'hey I have to go see you when you get home I love you.' Hanging up the phone. I move the lid trying to find the corncobs to place in aswell as the chicken.

I stared at my phone waiting to see that message. Nothing came. Hiccup. With my hiccups on top of that just made it worse for me. Turning the knob on the stove to low. I tried to keep my mind on at ease putting on YouTube. Watching some videos. The lights were off in the living room but the kitchen were on. I was watching some  'watcher, Are you scared?' Watching one called, Are You Scared of  Being Home Alone? I stared to watching getting into a little too much. Patches was right next to me. She was asleep as I watched. Hiccup. Midway from the video I felt chills a little. Ryan asked the question he uses to finish video. 'So are you scared?' Before I could answer the question. 'Boo,' the three boys scared the shit out of me from behind the couch. They laugh at me as I rolled my eyes pressing pause. As I stood up going to hug each on of them then kissing Dream kiss. His face was red as I felt his cheek for a small smile. 'Are you all hungry?' They all nod as I found some bowls. While George took the lid off seeing the soup. 'Uh y/n what is this?' I glance over at him. Walking over to him, getting some bowl. 'it's called Caldo,' he gave a confused expression, 'also know as Mexican Chicken Soup. It has Chicken, potatoes, carrots, corncob, and some other things.' I glance over at the them with a smile. 'You don't have to eat it since it's something different then like original chicken soup in a can. I just thought since,' Hiccup. I close my mouth quickly. Looking over at Dream. His straight face started to crack into a laugh. Well Sapnap and George started to join in as well. I rolled my eye breaking a laugh. With Dream coming over to me as he held me close. 'Just like before,' He kissed my forehead, 'I love you.'

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