Nothing (Karl)

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Hey, Thank you for 13k reads amd all the votes and saves. I truly appreciate it. Today story is also sweet and fun. I got this idea from a story generator. So please enjoy this. Today song is, 'Nothing' by Bruno Major


On many mornings, I wouldn't be the one to wake up first. I will admit it. He would be the first to wake up or leave a message before he leaves. But it would be weird if I were to wake up. This morning, I was the first to wake up and he was still asleep. He lay next to me with a hand over my stomach. I lean a little to check the time on mine or his phone. 12:30 pm. Placing it back slowly feeling his hand around me tighten a little. Taking a quick glance at me, with his eyes still close. Getting the idea to face him instead. Trying not to move so much just for him to get a good sleep. So I shimmed to look at his face. Lately, he has been doing a lot again with tales, Minecraft, Mr.Beast, and Sponsors. He needed this rest even if it meant sleeping in. Placing a hand on his shirt. I kept my eyes on him. These are the times I would notice everything about his features. His light brown fluffy hair that he would move to one side.The smell of a fresh shave from his mustache that was starting to grow. His eyes were grey. With those eyes, I would get lost in many conversations with him. Or even just to look at him. It still feels like home to me. Looking down at his hands to see his nail painted with the same color as mine with his logo on one finger. Which I help with when he was struggling. Moving my head to his chest as I lean down to hear his heartbeat. with my hand rubbing against his shirt. Putting a smile on my face once more.

He doesn't know this but he helped me with a lot. He made me realize a lot of things about myself. Or about how people would react and wouldn't react. He was my first real friend. I haven't had those in a while. With him, it just felt right. I would do anything for him. Just to see his smile, his laugh, or to see the joy in his eye. H made me feel love and I haven't felt it. Till after we were together. There are many words but I can't describe of how much I love him.

Moving my head to look at his face. Then move my hand to his cheek as I move my thumb. Everything in me didn't want to ruin this moment with a kiss so all I did was occasionally look at his lips and then his eyes. "If you aren't gonna do it then I will," were the first words that came out of his lip. Looking at his eyes which were opening slowly. "Well, I don't see you doing it," I laugh. Then he places a and underneath my chin. Tilting his head as I did the same to mine. With my eyes closing slowly. Leaning into him. To kiss his lips slowly. The feel of his lips was soft. Leaving my hand on his cheek. Pulling the kiss back not wanting to take it any further. My feeling was growing stronger for him each time we kissed. Making my heart beat faster than before. To see him smile. "Well that is a good way to wake up," he moves his hand from my chin to over my hand pulling it up to kiss it slowly. "I love you,"   "I love you more than anything karl" with that we both went on with our day.

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