Willow (wilbur)

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Hello this is also going to be a short story. I really enjoyed writing this story. It is sad so just a heads up. I took an interpretation of the song on a wed site and I like the person idea of it. But I can't tell you about it or else it will just ruin the whole 500 word short story. Today song is, 'Willow,' by Jasmine Thompson.. so until next time.


The newlywed's couple would dance under a willow tree on their wedding day. It was a special willow tree. It grew with them as the couple grew closer to each other. The willow was there for their first date, their first kiss, when the man propose, to the dance, and where the woman told him she was pregnant. This tree holds a lot of memories and hopes to hold a lot more.  Beside the tree, would be water.

Autumn later their beautiful daughter was born. The memories with her started to grow. With the willow, the couple notice the flower starting to grow after many years with this tree that was the first a flower started to grow. It was like the willow knew there was someone young a new by the tree. Their life was perfect everything they wanted was there.

Till their child disappear. It was unknown how that happened. The couple cried wanting to find their young child. The husband started to call the police. While the wife starts to run outside. Screaming the name of the child.  The willow notice and the young lady screams the name of the couple's child. Placing a hand on the willow tree. On this windy night, the leaves of the tree stayed still with the water doing the same. They all lost something on this day.

The couple had sleepless nights together. They wanted their daughter to come back. The woman looked at the willow tree. Wishing if the willow could talk so it can say what happened that night. The man noticed walking up to hold her while she cried. The willow heard the tears of the mother. Deep down the willow was dying.

Months passed while the couple waited. With papers up around the town, there were no calls or no help come to the police. Like the case disappeared. They would leave the door open to their child's room hoping for the day the daughter came home to them.

With the next couple of months passed. The husband came home to his wife with a present, a small willow tree, the wife smiled wanting to plant it beside their very own willow tree. They step outside walking to the tree. Holding the shovel and the baby willow. Kneeling they planted the willow in memory of their child. Planting it in together the couple smiled slowly walking inside. The grown willow tree started to feel another tree beside them. Noticing a baby willow. The grown willow was happy.

The couple became happy once more. Their daughter's room has been untouched since that day and they accepted that their daughter was gone but will come back to them even if it will be years. The most important day to them was their daughter's last day with the couple would be their favorite memory. The two-step on the porch saw the baby willow grow to its full potential. And across the River the married couple notices a proposal happening. It gave them peace and remembrance of their marriage in the beginning. With the willow being with them.

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