Perfectly Wrong (q!Quackity)

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Helloo everyone, hope you are doing okay. And thanks for 21k. Today story is requested from tumblr for someone wanting more q! Quackity stories. Today song is Perfectly Wrong by Shawn Mendez. i hope you enjoy it and leave me some request :) maybe next story will be ether Karl or Sapnap story or something totally different still undetermined. Anyways see you next week


In an instant clock, you both hit it off. Meeting at the house party at Roiers. While dancing started and drinks. It was nothing special but it was nice. They meet through a mutual friend, Wilbur, he introduced you both. Then you two would talk and shortly get together. There were many up and down to this relationship you both had for each other. Some good and some bad.

A good memory would be when you, tilin, and, quackity would have a talk by the water having a camp there for a quest. The fire was going low. Finding some branches on the floor. To see quackity talking to tilin with a smile on his face. Tilin looks at you with a smile and then notices a shooting star they point to it as I sat beside tilin with a smile. 'Since you saw it you get to make a wish. Wish about anything.' You smiled while tilin close their eyes. 'I wish that me, my dad and dad/mom will always be together and be a happy family forever.' Opening their eye looking between you and quackity. 'Do you think it will come true?' They were curious as I nod. ' we will always be a happy family. You, Me, and your dad tilin.' Tilin started to fall asleep on you as you smiled. 'Always happy huh?' He questions as he looks over at you. 'Always happy no matter what happens. Even if something bad happens,' placing a free hand on his cheek, 'I will be there for you quackity.' He flashes a smile and then stares at tilin with a smile.

Losing our Tilin was the worst case of our bad times. Tilin was our egg and our family. After losing them everything would end up in a fight. Even cleaning around the house we both shared.  You would ask nicely but he takes offense to it. The love between us was dying but in every scenario, we would both end up in each other arms.

Recently, when Wilbur came back from his trip. You notice quackity wasn't there in the house. So you check your map and notice him heading to where Wilbur was. Using Enderpearl to make it halfway there to hear talking some spam e in front of you. Hiding behind some tree to hear only a bit of their conversation. 'Hey, big q who are you and y/n?' Wilbur would ask but quackity ignore it. 'Is that your egg?' Quackity put to someone in the distance to see another egg that looks like Wilbur. 'Yeah I've ...' he cut him off, ' because of you leaving you made me lose my child.' Your heart stops. 'I thought you and y/n were raising one together.' Quackity laughed, 'You think I wanted an egg together with them? I wanted an egg with you,' you froze hearing the words out of his mouth. 'But look at things you have an egg for yourself so you left my tilin for your daughter,' Wanting to leave you tilted your head a little to see Wilbur trying to explain what happened till he looked at you with sad eyes. Quackity stares at Wilbur to notice he wasn't looking at him but what was behind him. He turned to not see anyone. Wilbur invites Quackity to meet his daughter. You slide down the tree with your knees to your chest. He never wanted to be with you.q He only claimed to be tilin only parent you weren't brought once. You hoped he didn't mean it like the way he put it. So you left. Going back to the house. Heading towards where tilin would sleep to see one of their extra bows next to the bed. Held it up close to your heart. Crying for tilin. Telling the gods that you would do anything. But it was set as stone tilin was never coming back.

For what felt like an hour, hearing the front door open seeing quackity slouching a little. He came up to you bringing up your hand to kiss them. He looks up at you with admiration. This was the up to your relationship with him. How sweet he was. How caring he was. And you loved him. If you wanted to leave it would hurt you so much. So you never left. Pushing down your pain to only see the good loving side of this relationship. That night you both slept side by side as if there are no problems in your relationship.

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