I'll Never Smile Again (Foolish)

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Hey, thanks for 10k and for all the people saving this book on their list. Today story was someone wanting another Foolish story. So Alyssh163, here you are.(unless you want another sweet story I will also do that) This is just gonna be a 2 part story. This will be the first part andthe next part should be done next week. So let's hope I remember to do that. Some backstory this is like the apocalypse happened and you are foolish through the whole journey. The Walkers are Zombies by the way. Today and the second part will have the same song. 'I'll Never Smile Again' by Tommy Dorsey, Frank Sinatra , and The Pied Pipers. I do hope everyone likes this story.


In the beginning, we were more than just us two. But by the end of the month, at least two or one would get bitten by the walkers. They would go inside ams we would leave a gun with them or if they would sacrifice their self. Each olwas worse then the last. Now it was just Me and Noah. The only two. We were careful. Taking turns sleeping. Looking at our surroundings. There was one time when he was close to getting the bite. Before it could happen I shot the walker as I held him. I didn't was to lose him.I love him. I wouldn't know what to do if he is gone.

One last day. One last look. One more night.

We were slowly going insane. We are tired to escape this madness. Nothing was working. I felt like we were only gonna make it one more day. There will always be more and more. Those Walkers. Those walkers will be the death of me and him. We would try anything but the more we adventure the more they were. We tried to find anyone that wasn't a walker but there was nothing. Noah and I walk in a Forest. The trees gave us clear views of all positions. He held a Guardian gun as I held Marshall. We would hear the branches beneath us crack. Taking a glance at our surroundings. The more we walk slowly our legs were starting to give out. Till we heard the groan creep up behind us. Noticing ones. But if there is one there will be tons in less than a minute. We started to rush out of the forest trying to find a place to hide. Nothing was coming up. Noah stood behind me as I tried to look for shelter till I noticed lights. 'Noah I found something come on,' I turned to him. Hearing the gunshot. He grab onto my hand as I pointed to the lights.

Noticing the gate, he let go of my hand as I started to bang on the fence. Noah tried to shoot more. Nothing was happening. I tried to find something to pick the lock open. While I heard more shots continue in the back of me. I gave a glance to him reload. As one walker started to rush to him. I pulled my Marshal in front and aimed for its head. 'Duck,' He glanced at me as I shoot it as it fell to the ground. 'Come pick this lock and I will watch your back,' he rushed to my side as I gave him a bobby pin. I started to look around and aim to shoot. In the seconds he took some chains fell to the floor. He rush in calling my name and running inside I looked at the fence seeing all the walkers on the other side of him and me. We turned our backs to look around this place. It was empty. All the houses were empty. But one White House with a note on the table when you walked in. 'To whoever reads this, there is a safe haven far from here with the community that lived here before your arrival. No walkers just freedom. It's safe from here. There will be red marks on the trees to show you the marks. Please leave this note for anyone else that may come into this house.' I look over at Noah, 'We should go but first, let's sleep here the night is coming and it's better to sleep on a bed then on the ground.' I give a nod.

The night approach, we would hear the groan outside. Noah left the room. He started to stare at his partner giving a small smile. How peaceful they were in this madness.He left the room to check the doors. All the walkers were around the fence hitting it. Moving away from the windows, heading to the bathroom. He went to look at his secret he kept from y/n. There it was. The bite he got many hours before there arrival to this house. Honestly it was a careless mistake that shouldn't have been made. The lines on his right leg started to grow. He hadn't told y/n. He doesn't want it to be the problem till the time was right. What his gut told him that will be sooner than he thought.

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