Euthanasia (aweSamdude)

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Hello, today's story is about the song in the title. Euthanasia by Wil Wood. The definition of the word is towards the end of the story. But feel free to search it up. I do hope you enjoy this story


Waking up from the bed, the bed is comfortable and sleep was the best that I've had in many weeks. The colors around me were brighter. Not dull. It was funny. Hearing someone approach my door with the smell of food. Standing up to open the door to see him. With two plates and a smile. 'Sam you know you didn't have to do this you know.' He gives a laugh. 'Why not? Today just feels like one of those special days.' It's a Special Day. I was concerned about what day it was. So for my special day, we did everything I love. We went to get some food. We went to the beach. We went to play at the beach. We went to the park. Went for a walk. Towards the end of the day, we notice a carnival. This is when some things change. We paid for the tickets usually at a carnival there would be lines and people talking. But now it was just us. I meant I wasn't complaining but it was off. As if it was a dream. Sam continues to take me to each of them. Till it was time for the ferries wheel. There was a slight sting to my arm as I jerked it away from Sam. 'I'm sorry I don't know why I did that.' I give a slight smile to Sam he nods. Getting closer to the wheel two familiar faces appear as I ran to hug them both. My parents. They hug me deeply as I cried with joy. Sam was behind me as he held my hand once more and then showed me to our seats. Once he got in the ride started and the sting in my arm slowed my breathing. Then it clicked where I was. Looking over to Sam as he stared in front. 'I'm guessing you figured what's happening,' He asked me. Slowly I nodded. 'How long have I been like this?' He took a breath. '5 weeks almost was 6. But he thought it was time. He never left your side you know.' Placing my head on his shoulder while my eyes started to get drowsy. 'I didn't expect him to leave but if this is how it ends. Will I be able to see him one last time?' My eye stayed closed this time with Sam kissing my head.

That was all in y/n mind. They were in a coma. The reason why was because when they were heading to Sam's house. A car passes a red light hitting them. That accident was over 5 weeks ago. Sam never left their side or even the hospital. He held their hand and just stare at them. He wanted y/n to wake up from this coma they were in. He would give anything to just see their eye or hear them talk once more. He loves them deeply. The doctor would come in to check the pulse writing it on their clipboard. The doctor notice how y/n heartbeat was slowed down by each day. But they weren't the only ones to notice. He notices it. He notices it going slower. He knew y/n didn't want the pain for him. So the Doctor told Sam there was a way to let him go as painlessly as possible. Euthanasia. It is a drug they use to let the patient die in their sleep. Or the medical definition is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. Sam had to make a decision. Y/n didn't have no parents. Y/n was adopted by an old couple. The couple died when y/n was 20. So he thought it was time for y/n to go. He knew if y/n was alive that they wouldn't want to let him suffer. On a Tuesday afternoon, the doctor came and put the needle into her arm. They waited to hear the heart monitor goes slower by the second. Sam just stares at y/n with the echoes of the monitor going silent. He held their hand and cried. His mom was behind him rubbing his back. The doctor left them to be.

After an hour, Sam left y/n side and drove to a cliff to oversee the city. Turning off the car as he walks out sitting near the edge. There were things Sam wanted to do with them, wanted to say to them, wanted to live by them, and wanted to grow old with them. He cried on that hill with the sun starting to set. There was walking that was coming towards him. He felt someone next to him take a deep breath. 'I couldn't leave you without saying goodbye.' He knew that voice in an instant but didn't believe it was them. 'Samuel you did the right thing of letting them do that... I didn't want you to suffer more and drag me on.' He turns to the side. He saw their eyes. How innocent their eyes were. How gorgeous they look. How this was gonna be the last they would see each other. 'Would this be the last time I see you,' he asked. With y/n nods, 'Yes but maybe I will appear in your dreams. But Sam I will be there for you not physically but spiritually I will. We had many memories and I want you to cherish them. And whenever your time here is done I will be waiting for you. But you should find someone and start a family. You will be the best dad I know.' Y/n brought up their hand to try and feel his cheek but all he felt was coldness. The sun was setting as the moon rises slowly. Y/n looked towards the sun as they look back at Sam. 'It's time for me to leave,' they stood as he did the same. 'Thank you, Sam,' y/n says with a soft smile as they turn away from him but stop, ' I love you, Sam.'  With that, they continue to walk then slowly vanish with the moon appearing. He stares in the direction they left in. With one final breath, ' I love you y/n'

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