Telephones (Au!Karl)

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Hello sorry for a late story. Thank you for another 1k reads and the new saves on this book. Today's story is a pirate au. At first it was gonna be based off of Tina hardcore severe which it is a little still. Some backstory is you are the Queen of the pirates. Both you and Karl were friends both he left out of no where. That's all. Today song is, Telephones by Vacation,' I do hope you enjoy this story. (Not proofread. Also i decided to write one piece one shot on my tumblr so if you want go follow it if you want it's @imagines-babes)


The sun shining on a island with pirates all around us. Today the barrow is crowded. The lights inside were dim with the sun blazing in through the window and door. The air is full of smoke. The shelf is full of bottles of a variety of whiskey, Tequila, and many other drinks. The bartender taking shots with fellows pirates while the other side of the bar started singing sailor tails or songs. With people coming in and out with some escorts for the men as they steal their treasure. Giving a nod to the bartender for a refill as my crew relax. The stories of, 'The Queen of The Pirates.' The tales always seem to crack a smile at me. Hearing the door to the front open not turning my head. The whisper start to arise as I feel the person sit stand next to me placing his arms on the bar counter. Looking in the corner of my eye of his hand with rings. Smelling his scent was familiar giving only a smirk. 'While if it isn't my old company. The one they say that is, 'The King of The Pirates,' giving a laugh. 'Such a foolish name but he's also your competitor, isn't he? Foolish something?' Looking over at him. As he played with the rings on his fingers. With a loose white button-up shirt having half his button undone. Along with some necklaces and a belt around his pants.

'Y/n I need your help,' my back faces the bartender as I look at all the pirates in one bar. 'Why would I help you? If I have nothing to gain from you.' He stares at all the bottles behind the bartender. ' if you help me do this. I will pay you back I promise.' The room once talking became quiet. The promise. For pirates if a promise is made it's ether you for fill that promise or death. Grabbing his arm bringing him outside of the bar near the ships. Hearing the talks start once again as we leave. 'Do you know the warning of that word? You saying that word in front of everyone?' I stared at him. 'I know the meaning of it that's why I have said it in front of everyone.' Tapping my leg, 'why do you even want to be a king? I gave you that opportunity the first time we have brought it up.With you declining that offer and you leaving the next day. Now that some people have challenged that you decide to come here.' With a blank stare from him with his fingers placing around with the rings of his hand. 'Look karl, I get that you want to be the king of the pirates but as a Friend I don't think you have it in you. You didn't even build your own ship. And you only have some crew mates.' He only stares past me to the water. 'I want to do it for you,' he says with his back facing me, 'I left because-.' Cutting him off, 'you cut me off because you just wanted to use me for a title karl. Because you wanted what I had.' I point at his chest walking onto my ship. 'You were the first guy on land and sea that I value more than myself you know,' Turing around as I stared at him. ' I would've given you anything but you left only leaving a note saying, you want to be on your own, no goodbye. I had to find out by some other pirates that passed your boat.' Turning around facing my back. 'I would've given up my title for you. You jerk!' I shouted to punch his chest.


Yet he never me. He didn't grab my wrist or said any words. All he did was stare down at my hands. Punching him. He moved his hand to take off my hat to notice my eyes. They had tears. My punches weren't going as hard as before. Felt his hand going in to hug me while my breathe started to shake. With my head going to his chest. 'Why did you leave?' Before he knew it their was a tear coming from Karl. 'I don't know y/n. I wish I could tell you.' There was no speaking after his words. He spoke the truth. That was the worst pain. He didn't know why he left. 'I'll be leaving this island tomorrow by noon. If you want to join me for this travel I'll be happy for you to join.' All he did was nod. He lets me go as I push back. The sunsets with our shadows starting to separate. It's like our shadows knew our fates before us. He eyes started to admire me as I start to admire himself. Feeling the warmth of his hand on my cheek with his rings. Their it was. The sparkle in his eyes once more. He brought me back into him once more. I closed my eyes to feel his lips up against mine. Once again our shadow is at once. This is we're I wanted to be.

The next day, came with my crew loading up everything to the ship. Noon is approaching, he's no where to be seen. I knew not to get my hopes up but there was slight chance he would've came. I don't know what would've happened. I felt someone approaching beside me as I straighten my back. 'He's not coming is he?' I turned to notice my senior officer standing next to me. I would try to disagree but there no use to it. 'He's a captain of his own ship. I knew wouldn't come.,' I turned to walk onto the shop. 'We trained him better than that to abandon his crew like that.' Placing a smile then walking onto the ship. 'Get on board we are leaving.' Everyone rush to set sails as I wait in the front hearing yells from the crew. I start to remember what he said after the kiss.

He pulled away from the kiss to look at me once more 'the sunset is beautiful isn't it?' He says with some tears in his eyes. That's when I knew what he meant. I made his hand away from my cheek walking to the ship. He love me but wants us to part ways once again. 'The sunset-,' I choked on my words as I nod. Walking onto the ship.

He would be the man I loved but after last night he let me go. We sail heading to our next island. I turn to look over at the dock. The further we got i started to notice someone with a wave saying goodbye. 'Till we meet again karl.'

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