The Suna and Iwa Team. Chapter 22

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HELLO EVERYONE!!! Dedication goes to lostintheabyss again for being first to answer the question. Today’s question is a little bit different.


Chapter 22

Third Pov

Well, things for team seven have been easy and lay back compared to that C rank turned A rank mission. They’ve been stuck in the world called D ranks. Boring.

Naruto and Emiko have pulled three pranks on Iruka just because he wouldn’t let them have another C rank. Yeah, he wasn’t all that happy when he found out that the C rank they went on wasn’t really a C rank and refuses to see them get another one for a long while. So their reaction is pranks.

Kakashi is starting to think that Emiko is oblivious when it comes to boys. Or maybe she just thinks Sasuke is being a friend.

Sakura is just being Sakura, and pissing off Emiko more and more. Emiko is being the mature person and is holding off the attack on her. But she is so close to making her into Art.

Sasuke tries to be nicer to Emiko, but so that it’s not to noticeable to Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and of course Emiko herself.

Emiko has been working on her scope, changing it bit by bit, making it able to not be effected by mist, or mist jutsu and not able to be knocked off her eye by adding a strap a small invisible strap.

She has also been working on her E explosion that had occurred with Haku, but with little success.

So, really things are now just heating up for team seven.

First pov, EMIKO!!

Making sure my clay pouch was on right; I headed towards Naruto’s house playing with the tip of my hair. When I arrived at Naruto’s I walked right on it, kicking a few instant Ramen containers.

“Naruto!” I called out I heard a thud. I walked to his room and I saw…. Naruto on the ground, his Jacket half on and twisted, his forehead protector looking like Kakashi’s. I snickered. “So, trying to copy Kakashi, eh Naruto?” I asked, leaning against the door frame with my arm crossed.

He frowned at me. And tried to cross his arms and failed. I rolled my eyes. “Emi!” He whined.

I laughed, pushing myself off the door frame and I walked to Naruto’s side. I pulled him up so he was standing.

I turned him around. I pulled down his jacket and then tightened his forehead protector. “You’re a ninja who just lost a battle with a jacket. When you become Hokage, I am so going to use that against you,” I teased.

“Emiko, it’s not my fault I woke up late,” Naruto pouted, putting on his ninja gear. Before us both walked out of his room and then out of his house.

I snickered. “Sort of is. You should have gone to sleep earlier and not sending clones to my house and then try to keep me up,” I pointed out. He laughed at me. “Particularly when I went to sleep at 11, and you didn’t stop until 12:30,” Naruto jaw dropped.

“What?!” He screeched as the bridge came into view. I laughed. “How did you do that? Wait, how did you know the time?”

I smirked. “That’s for me to know, and you to… not know,” he frowned, crossing his arms.

When we got to the bridge. I saw Sakura and Sasuke. Sasuke looked over at me with a smirk. He has been strange lately. It’s creepy. Sakura glared at me. Okay, deserved that, I pushed her over the bridge yesterday. Hey! The girl tried to punch me! I acted in self-defence.

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