The Snake and The Snake Nin. Chapter 30

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Dedication is the same as per-normal!! emerden101 how many times has it been you that answered the question first now?? Hahaha.


Chapter 30

I looked back up and I felt the tree wobble. I tensed and then I launched myself off of the tree before it tumbled down. My hand shot into my clay pouch and I quickly made three of my explosives. I pulled my hand out of the pouch and I flipped in mid-air. I crouched as I hit another tree and stuck to it and I looked down towards the Snake.

It had turned around and was coming at my tree. I threw down my explosives at the Snake, and then I pushed myself towards the snake. The snake opened its mouth to eat me, but instead it swallowed two of my explosives. The other one… well, it had expanded to my large bird. I flipped and I landed on the bird and shot up into the air.

I made the bird turn and hover in the air. I looked down at the snake that was looking up at me. My eyes narrowed. My hand’s formed the oh so familiar hand sign. “I will not be made fleeting by you! Art is a bang! Katsu!” I shouted and then an echoing explosion was heard throughout the forest was the death of an evil snake.

I chuckled and smiled to myself. “It’s certainly been a while since I have turned something into art… I’ve missed it!” I grinned brightly when I felt something darker in the air. I tensed. That does not feel good. My eyes widened. “Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura!” I almost forgot about them in my fear then post explosion joy.

I focused onto the direction where that feeling had come from… that killer intent. I could sense my chakra there… two of them. Sasuke and Sakura!

I leant forward and I shot towards them. As I did that, my hand flew to my scope and I noticed… the person that they were facing had too much chakra… This couldn’t be a genin!

I made the bird go quicker to get to them before anything horrible happened. When I got near them, I noticed in a second that Sasuke and Sakura were both frozen from the sheer intensity of the nin’s killing intent and that the nin was about to through Kunai at them!

In the next second, I pushed off of my bird and into the air. My clay bird got right in between my teammates and the nin, taking the hits. I landed on the bird and looked right towards the nin. I felt from my chakra in the fake clay scrolls, that Sasuke and Sakura moved at the last second, going up into the foliage. “You’re no normal genin, un,” I called out and they looked over at me carefully.

“You as well, Little Bomber, sister of Deidara,” the… person called out to me. I couldn’t tell if they were a boy or a girl… Haku situation all over again. I just don’t think this guy is as nice as Haku.

I smirked at him. “You know who I am then, hmm?” I asked, I did a hand sign behind my back, focusing my chakra into my bird, turning the bird into the clay version of Artsy. (AN Not into the actual teddy, just when she makes Artsy really dense and hard…) “then you know… I’m not to be underestimated!” then I shot into the air and my bird flew straight at the ninja.

I didn’t look back; my bird was a distraction so I could get to Sasuke and Sakura. I heard the slam of my bird hitting a tree as I disappeared into the foliage. When I reached them, I saw Sasuke covering Sakura’s mouth. They both looked so fearful…

Instead of being careful approaching them, I moved right towards them. Sasuke tensed at the sight of me. “Stay away!” he hissed towards me.

My eyes blinked at him, and I bit my lip. “Password, right… eh,” I looked at my hands and then I raised my hands towards him, palm up. “Art is fleeting, un.” My hand mouth appeared and I grinned at him reassuringly.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now