The First Friend. Chapter 38.

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Duh, duh, duh!! The Dedication goes to… the one whose name is over in the dedication section!!


Chapter 38

Third Pov.

Rikku groaned as she came to, she could hear the sound of movement. Her eyes snapped open and she could see the stark white roof. Her head looked side to side in fear. She didn’t know where she was.

She was about to fling herself off of the bed she was laying on, when she felt a sharp pain in her arm. Her head snapped down to see an IV. She followed the IV she was connected to and she saw… a blood bag. Huh… it’s a blood infusion. (AN Not sure about this, I don’t know Medical Jargon!)

That means she was in the hospital… the sound of movement must have come from behind the door. What happened before she fainted to get here- oh! The fight with the murderer… Emiko, her old friend.

Suddenly the door to the room she was in opened and Rikku tensed as a nurse came in. “Oh!” the nurse exclaimed. “Your awake, Rikku Obitmaru right?” she asked and the Iwa nin nodded stiffly. What’s going to happen to her… surely Emiko would have told, right? That she and her sisters were conspiring to kill her. “Well, you are one lucky girl. You should be dead right now; you were bleeding heavily during that match. If that Konoha nin didn’t use that jutsu, you would be dead.”

Rikku’s eyes widened. She knew she was losing too much blood, she could feel it during the fight. But enough to die?! Emiko… saved her life… She remembered Emiko said it was for their old friendship…

Rikku’s eyes closed for a second and smiled a little at the memory of them meeting. She was 6 and Emiko was 4.


Rikku laughed as she ran through the corridor of the Tsuchikage tower, away from her mother and father, and her two sisters.

She rounded around a corner sharply, not looking where she was going and where there should have been empty space, Rikku slammed into something.

The something and Rikky both yelped in shock and were sent sprawling backwards onto the ground. Rikku huffed, her hair in her eyes. She really hated her hair getting into her eyes. She looked past her hair and saw a girl in front of her huffing to as she flicked her blonde hair back and out of her face.

They both blinked at each other. “Who are you?” Rikku asked of the blonde haired child. Rikku noticed that the blonde in front of her had bright blue eyes and looked a few year younger than her. Not too much younger but enough.

“Emiko, un. You?” Emiko, the blonde girl questioned her.

Rikku raised an eye brow at her. “I’m Rikku Obitmaru. What about your last name?” Emiko’s eyes widened and she looked down at the ground.

“I don’t have one… my father died before I was born and Mother won’t let me or Dei-dei use it… I don’t even know his last name and mother won’t let us use hers either… So, I’m just Emiko, yah,” RIkku’s eye furrowed.

“Why do you say that?” Emiko blinked once at Rikku, making the orange haired girl puff her checks out. “Un, yah…” She elaborated.

Emiko’s eyes widened and her face went red a little. “It’s umm, a ver-er-verbal tick,” she stumbled over the words, her face went redder at her fumble. “My brother has it to… worse then me!” Emiko exclaimed with a happy expression, the blush now long gone.

Rikku’s eyes widened. “You have a brother? I’ve got two sisters! We’re triplet’s… but I don’t have a brother,” Rikku stated and Emiko’s eyes widened. “Anyway, why are you here?”

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now