The bell test.. is a teamwork test, chapter 6

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Chapter 6

First Person! Emiko!

Kakashi watched me, waiting for me to make a move, but I already had. Little did he know, I had hid more explosives around the area while we were waiting for Kakashi to get there. I had been waiting for them to be set in places undetectable to a non-Sharingan user and hard to see without a scope like the ones Dei-Dei and I used.

When I felt them stop, I moved right in front of Kakashi, using my speed for the first time in a full-time battle. Kakashi blocked my punch. I tried to kick him, which he blocked as well, and then I flipped myself, trying to kick him with my other leg. Another block. Perfect! (AN: Like Sasuke).

I reached for the bells and touched them. He reacted by pushing away from me… right into my trap. I chuckled. When I landed on the ground, I formed a hand sign. I could hear Naruto’s gasp at the sight of the sign. He believed I would kill Kakashi. Heh.

“Katsu!” BOOM! My hand quickly flew to my scope to see through the smoke, and I saw Kakashi jump out of the explosion, dusty and covered in dirt.

I directed my large bird towards the airborne Kakashi. His eyes widened in shock. I formed the hand sign again. “Katsu!” Kakashi flew back and hit a tree. I moved to him, but he quickly recovered from my explosion and dodged. I hit the tree in annoyance. What were the others doing? I was giving them heaps of opportunities to get the bells!

I felt my own chakra in one of my explosives heading towards me, alerting me that Kakashi was going to attack me next. I placed my hand inside my pouch, my hand mouths biting off clay. Removing my hands, I started to pour my chakra into the clay to form little explosives. I waited until the last second to spit out five explosives into my hand and throw them towards Kakashi. Forming the proper hand sign again, I yelled “Katsu!”

Kakashi and I both flew back, but I was more accustomed to the explosions. I flipped before I could hit a tree and pushed myself off of it. Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto watched on with shock written all over their faces.

As I was in the air, I headed straight towards Kakashi and tackled him to the ground. His eyes widened when we landed, scraping the ground.


Kakashi chuckled. I rolled off of him and banged my head onto the ground ten times before our sensei stopped me. I tossed him an annoyed look and stood up, wobbling a bit. I used a lot of my chakra. As my adrenalin disappeared, chakra exhaustion finally hit me. Kakashi steadied me. My teammates all jumped down to face us.

I glared and raised my fist into the air, shaking it. “You idiots! I gave you one too many openings to get the bells! What the hell were you doing?!” My legs were shaking a little, but I brushed it off. I knew my chakra levels were low, due to the fact that I was hungry as hell and I had set off so many explosions.

Naruto put his hands in the air. “Sorry Emiko!”

My legs decided to give out on me. Strangely, the one who reacted fast enough was Sasuke. He caught me just before I hit the ground and lifted me up. His arm was around my waist, helping me stand. My face turned red, and I looked away. Lovely. The Uchiha probably thought he saved me. Greeeaaattt! Note the sarcasm!

Naruto glared at Sasuke and was at my side, too, helping me. Sasuke glared back at my best friend. I could feel the tension. Oh Jashin.

“Come on.” Kakashi waved us to the stumps.

I noticed Sakura glaring at me, as well. I looked at the ground in annoyance. They weren’t talking. My eye twitched. “Duckbutt! Naruto! Can one of you guys just start walking! I can’t do it on my own!” I snapped. They both looked at me and then started to walk.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now