The Rookie Ten Reunited. Chapter 26

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HELLO!! Dedication is given to the first commenter on the non-chappy of Emiko Answers!!


Chapter 26

When we walked down the hall for a little bit we reached a door where Kakashi was in front of the door! My eyes widened. I pointed at him in shock.

"You! You were earlier then us?" I asked in complete shock. Kakashi sweat dropped at me. The rest of my team looked at Kakashi weirdly too when they realised that I was right.

"I have my moment's, Emi," Kakashi told me and I my eye twitched. When did I say that he could call me Emi? Well, he is my sensei. I'll let him get away with it... for now.

"Right, right, and art isn't fleeting. You were probably dragged here by Guy sensei, or someone, un," I waved him off and he sighed, shaking his head at me.

"I'll ignore you for now, Emiko," There you go, you say Emiko now. What is up with him? I saw him look at the others."I see, so Sakura came as well," Kakashi told us looking at Sakura. She froze at his words. While the rest of us looked at Kakashi in question. "You can now officially register for the Chuunin Exam."

Officially? What does he mean? It seems I wasn't the only person wondering that, Sakura asked Kakashi what he meant.

"To tell you the truth, this exam can only be taken in teams of three," I put my hand up. "But," He threw me a look. "I had to talk the Hokage into letting my team of four participate as a full team, instead of one joining another team. But you had to all show up," He explained to us, I ahhh'ed.

"But, you said that we could decide if we wanted to take it or not," Sakura pointed out. I face palmed.

"He lied Sakura. So none of us would pressure the others into going. Or you would feel that you had to for Sasuke, or even Naruto," I explained to her, already caught up in what Kakashi sensei was saying.

Kakashi nodded at me, and Naruto and Sasuke nodded too. They agreed with my words. Sakura looked like she understood what I was saying.

"So, what would have happened if only Sasuke, Emiko, and Naruto came here?" She asked of Kakashi. Again, is she that dense?

"Sakura, stop asking dumb questions! We wouldn't have been able to go any farther then here! Seriously, and you are supposed to be smart. Think!" I snapped at her. Face palming myself again.

"No need to be blunt, Emiko," Kakashi told me and I rolled my eyes at him. "Emi is right, though. But, the four of you came here of your own free will. Sakura," she smiled at him. "Naruto," Naruto smirked at him. "Sasuke," Sasuke also smirked. "Emiko," I waved my hand making my hand mouths appear and stick their tongue out. He chuckled once before doing a closed eye smile at us. "Well done. I'm proud of the four of you. You're my team," Kakashi stepped aside, away from the door. "Good luck."

Sasuke and Sakura opened the doors, and Naruto and I stepped in, followed by Sasuke and Sakura. My eyes widened.

Holy Jashin, there is a lot of people here. They were all... glaring at us. "Wow..." Naruto and I said at the same time.

"What is this?" Sakura muttered, and I shuggered once.

"Guy's, I might go into battle Emiko, if they keep up with this glaring," I whispered to them. They nodded their heads at me.

"There are so many people. Are all these people taking the exam?" Sakura asked and I nodded my head. "Emiko, I don't care if you do or not, just..." She gulped. I ran a hand threw my hair. Not messing it up at all.

Suddenly, a loud, worse than Sakura, voice shouted. "Sasuke, you're late!" they screeched. Oh no.

"Sakura, please, please, tell me that wasn-" but my words were cut off when I saw the blonde idiot, no not Naruto, INO! Crash hugged Sasuke around the neck.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now