The Battle Between Old Friends. Chapter 37

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Dedication is to… ---------->


Chapter 37

“Those whose names were displayed, step up,” the judge called out and Rikku and I both stepped up towards the Judge. When we were close enough and in the middle of the arena we turned and  faced each other. I smiling and she had her eyes narrowed on me. “The first match’s fighters are Emiko Kin and Rikku Obitmaru. Are there are objections?”

“No (un),” Rikku and I both answered. I could feel everyone staring at us… oh if only I could show off more of my art… oh well. It can’t be help…

“We will now begin the first match,” the man coughed and looked past us and at the rest of the genin. “Everyone other than the two fighters, please move up there,” the Judge waved a hand towards the balcony.

Everyone started to move up, besides my team. “Kick her butt! Emi!” Naruto shouted towards me, I looked over at him and I nodded in understanding and a smile on my face. “You’ll be the laughing stock of the artist world if you lose!” my eye twitched.

“Says the one with no artistic eye…” I muttered to myself, shaking my head. I watched as my team finally moved, after I looked at each of them with a smile. Sasuke had nodded at me, Sakura smiled and Naruto grinned, giving me a thumbs up.

All of the Jounin and other ninja moved to the balcony as well except for Kakashi who came over to me and he put a rested a hand on my head.

“Don’t blow up the arena, Emiko,” he warned me and I sighed sadly, only wishing I could.

“I wish… Snake bastard threw my clay pouch into the forest, I’m going into this with a handicap,” I muttered to me and I felt his hand tense on my head, he was worried that I would lose without my best attacks. “Don’t worry! I’ve got a few things up my sleeve; this is going to be fun. I haven’t really had a one on one battle with a challenge in a long time.”

Kakashi removed his hand from my head. “You sure…”

I snorted loudly. “Ex Iwa-nin academy student against an actual Iwa-nin, this will be an interesting battle for all watching, right Rikku?” I called out and she glared at me darkly as if she wished for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I laughed at the look. This set up couldn’t have been any better… or worse, depending on how you look at it.

“Alright, good luck,” Kakashi started not sounding to sure and then walked off up the stairs to the rest of the team.

I looked at my healed bandaged hand, making sure that it was really was all healed and the bandage was wrapped up enough and wouldn’t unwrap and get in the way of the fight. Then I looked up at Rikku, remembering what Kabuto said before the first exam. She’s great at ninjutsu, her taijutsu is good and genjutsu is her worst… but she has that stupid kenkei genkai of hers that can connected to her sisters so she can use Rin’s genjutsu… but uses more of her chakra, double then it would normally would be… this is going to hard… and I’m at a handicap so I need a plan to go against her. I need to be smart.

“Begin,” the judge called out and Rikku fell into a stance and I took a deep breath, pulling out battle Emiko.

I fell into my stance as well. “I feel as if I should say this, murderer, for the sake of our old friendship… I’m going to have fun killing you,” I snorted at her confidence.  

“You know, you just contradicted yourself right? Calling me a murderer, then saying you’re going to kill me, making you a murderer as well… that and I bet that most ninja in this room, genin included, have killed before. So really, you just insulted mostly everyone which is stupid. I mean, most of the ninja in here are twice your age, have more experience and could kill you before you could say the word ‘Murderer,’ think before you speck and who is around you,” I lectured the girl and her eyes narrowed on me.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now