A Boat Ride, a Sob Story and a Demon of the Bloody Mist!! Chapter 11

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I think you all get it, but again, this is dedicated to them because they were the first one to answer the question!!


Chapter 11

First person Emiko!

I looked around the area when we were on a boat, rowing away. I couldn’t see much around the place. I could only just see everyone on the boat.

Everyone was being quiet and boring. I wonder if we will face even stronger ninja? I hope not. It was annoying enough with those last ones. The next one might know who I am. And that will not be good, I tell you. I’m afraid how my team will react.

“We should be able to see the bridge soon,” Tazuna muttered. I looked back at him as he was looking down a bit, and then he looked up.

“If we move along with side of the bridge, we’ll be at the Country of the wave,” the boat driver person told us. I looked forward and I waited to see the bridge.

“I wonder if the bridge will be artistic,” Naruto snorted at my word, and then laughed a little.

When it came into view. I looked at it in shock. I never thought it would be this big. It’s huge.

“It’s huge!” Naruto shouted, and I nodded my head in agreement.

“Not like my art, but it’s definitely art all in the same!” I exclaimed, and Naruto nodded his head at me.

“Hey, be quiet! We’re using this boat and hiding in the mist. That’s why I’m rowing instead of using the engine!” the boat driver told Naruto and I off. I scratched the back of my head, and laughed shyly. “In other words, if we get caught, we’ll be in trouble.”

“Woops, heh heh,” I chuckled and Naruto covered his mouth, while Sasuke and Sakura looked at the driver in shock.

“Tazuna,” Kakashi started. Tazuna looked at Kakashi. I turned around and I faced them as they talked. “Before the boat gets to the pier, there’s something I need to ask you. The identity of the ones who are after you and the reason they are after you,” Tazuna didn’t saying anything so Kakashi took another tactic. “Or we can call this mission off when you get ashore, Tazuna.”

We all looked a Tazuna with accusing eyes. Waiting for the man to tell us why he lied to us, and who is after him to make him lie.

Tazuna sighed. “It looks like I have to tell you the real story. I mean, I would like for you to hear my story,” He corrected himself, I stiffened a snicker. “As you said, this mission is most likely out of your job description. An extremely terrible man is after my life. ”

“An extremely terrible man?” Kakashi asked Tazuna, and we waited for Taunza to tell us who.

“Yes,” Tazuna said bluntly.

“Who is it?” Kakashi finally asked the man.

“You should have all at least heard of the name. Marine transportation billionaire, Gatoh.”

I rolled my eyes. “Tazuna. I know most of the most terrible people around the world. My brother being one of them. And Gatoh isn’t one of them. He tried to hire my brother once, but he said one bad word about me, and the man was so close to being killed by art. The guys a pussy, hiding behind other ninja and thugs. And a midget to boot.”

Tazuna’s eyes landed on me in shock. “You’ve met the man?” He asked me, and I nodded my head.

“And threw Artsy at him, when he said, and I quot. ‘like take the little brat from you too,’ Dei-dei was not pleased. And told the man to shove off, and then walked away. Destroying his place. Fun day, fun day indeed,” I laughed quietly, and Tazuna looked away from me in fright. I snickered.

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