Boy Friend's past and Boyfriend's worries. Chapter 42.

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Dedication goes to emerden101 for the amazing drawing she drew for Hisashi!! It’s on the side.


Chapter 42

“I swear to Jashin, stop saying that art is eternal you psycho Hyuuga!” I snapped, yet again at Hisashi. He smirked at me, as always. I think he gets satisfaction out of getting me to snap at him like this. This is about the twentieth time today that I’ve snapped at him… and it’s only mid-day. I groaned at the smirk and I rubbed my face.

I’ve known this kid for nearly a week, and we fight on art about every ten seconds. Okay, not really every ten seconds but you get the idea. It’s driving me crazy on all accounts. Me, Emiko Kin, has got someone that can get under my skin like a bug… I now know how Shino feels… sort of. I don’t feed let this guy feed from my chakra though, thank jashin for that.

“Well, Emi. Stop claiming that art is fleeting and I won’t say that’s its eternal,” he retorted and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Don’t call me that, only my friends can call me that,” I muttered, rolling into a back bend to stretch out a bit more. Today I’ve been mostly focused on stretching and moving.

Even though Hisashi has been annoying me, he has been helping me train. I’ve basically perfected my E4, and now he has been pushing me to train when he sees me slaking off. (Which didn’t happen often) Or he really ticks me off and I actually attack him, and he fights back and fight well! You’d think a puppet master would hide behind his puppets but he doesn’t. His taijutsu is better than mine and it annoys me on all ends. But since my training with Guy sensei, I’ve been improving in leaps and bounds. My stamina is up to par and getting better, I’ve swapped out my weights once for heavier ones and my flexibility is way awesome. Two more weeks of training like this and Rin doesn’t stand a chance in hell.

“Aww! Emi, I thought we were friends,” Hisashi cooed at me, and I snickered at the tone of voice.

I won’t admit it to the fellow artist, but he has grown on me. I do consider him a friend, sort of. We have moments that don’t involve an argument about art or my attacking him out of frustration. He is usually a very calm person. He told me a few stories of his life, very vague but I got that he was a ninja, sort of. He doesn’t belong to a village though, so does that make him a ninja or a civilian with ninja abilities? When we just talk, I’ve told him things about me, my team, friends and Deidara, how much I really miss him. I don’t know why I just trust Hisashi, but I do. You know how you meet someone and even though they anger you to all hell, you just know you can trust them? It’s like that weirdly enough.

Rikku has met him twice, her reaction to meeting him was her almost attacking him thinking he was an enemy because Hisashi and I were arguing about art and we were in fighting position. After we settled that, she helped me in training as well, teaching me her two earth style ninjutsu’s. But she comes and she goes, to help Yumi and a scheme she was setting. I think it may just be a prank.

“Be careful there, Hyuuga. Cooing might bring out my pout of doooom! Un,” I warned him and he snickered. He hasn’t seen the pout yet, I’ve mentioned it but he hasn’t seen it. Heh, score one for Emiko.

“I’ll believe it when I see it, little bomber,” eye twitch. Yep, this guy somehow knows that I’m the little bomber. When I asked when he first said it he said. ‘I’ll tell when you need to know,’.

“Do I need to know yet?” I asked and he snorted a laugh. “Yeah, didn’t think so,” I flipped up onto my hands and started to do hand stand push ups. “You suck,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“And you have mood swings,” he pointed out and I smirked at him.

“I care why?” I asked and he laughed at me. I chuckled as well. “So, Hisashi. Your my age, why weren’t you in my class at the academy?” I saw his eyes become guarded and I pressed on. “I mean, it’s obvious that you’re trained. And trained well. Are you an apprentice of someone? I know a few Hyuuga’s, but they all use their clans Doujutsu and no other type of jutsu.”

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now