The Revenge Obsessed Obitmaru. Chapter 46.

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Dedication goes to the first answerer of the question!! Which is… Broken_puppet!!


Chapter 46

My eyes widened at the end of Shikamaru’s battle… he gave up. He just… gave up. The battle was intense, a true battle of the minds and Shikamaru won. Technically. If Shikamaru had more chakra or… wasn’t so lazy… he could have won the match as well. I heard a scoff from across the waiting room, and I looked over. It was Rin.

Naruto, from beside me growled. My head snapped back over to him just as he said. “Why did he give up?!” he slammed his fists on the rails and then continued. “What an idiot! Now I’m getting mad!” and then he… launched himself off of the rails into the battle arena. “I’ll go lecture him!”

“What an idiot,” I heard Rin sneer and my eyes narrowed over on her.

My eye twitched when she looked over at me. “Naruto isn’t an idiot, Rin Obitmaru. He is passionate about what he believes in and about protecting his friends,” I informed her and then I grinned, jumping onto the rails myself, crouched on top of them. “And as his best friend, I’m going to explain to Naruto what happened,” and then I launched myself off them. “See yah Shino!” I called out and then flipped in the air, doing multiple flips, before landing on the ground silently and one hand on the ground.

“You idiot!” Naruto shouted at Shikamaru as he pointed at him as Shika stretched out.

I got up off of the ground and jogged over to the two ninja. “Shut up, you super idiot,” Shikamaru drawled.

“Why did you give up?” Naruto asked in anger and I sighed.  I lightly hit him over the head and he yelped, rubbing the back of his head and glared at me. “What was that for Emi?!”

“Because, if you weren’t so hasty, I would have explained to you why Shikamaru gave up, yah,” I stated and then smiled at Shikamaru as he stopped stretching. He looked at me carefully, as I started to talk. “If a ninja hasn’t got any more chakra to use, or great taijutsu abilities to fall back on when they run out of chakra, then the best course of action is to retreat and fight another day in the real world. Even though Shikamaru isn’t in the real world with these exams, they are to be treated as such, if that battle went on any longer, that Temari would have used Shikamaru’s low chakra to her advantage. She can strategize to, just not on the same level as Shika here. Shikamaru noticed this and got out while he still could, essentially, saving himself from further pain and if this was real, his whole team… but then again, his whole team might still have chakra…” I trailed off before shaking my head. “Anyway, Naruto. Not everyone has basically unlimited chakra or stamina like you. The best qualities a ninja can have, is knowing when to retreat, knowing their capabilities and limitations and accepting them…” I smiled at Shikamaru and he smirked.

Shikamaru stretched his arms upwards and cracked his back. “So, you’re not just an explosive idiot,” He retorted and I snickered at him.

“Aw come on Shika! You know that’s not true,” I joked and Naruto grinned at him. “I’m worse,” I grinned and then I rolled my shoulders, feeling a glare on me. Will Rin ever stop glaring at me? “I wasn’t named top Kunochi for our year for nothing Shika.”

His nodded his head and Naruto groaned. “I still don’t like how you gave up! I get the how’s and the whys now but still!” He shouted and I chuckled at him.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s all in the past now,” Shikamaru informed him and then his eyes landed on me. “It’s your match next, isn’t it?” he asked and I nodded my head, I looked back up at the waiting room and I saw Rin looking down at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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