Kabuto the Spy. Chapter 35

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Dedication to… Emerden101!! Thanks for the help!!


Chapter 35

Third Pov.

Team seven was jumping through the forest nearing mid-day. They’re stopped a few times to rest so they didn’t overdo it, as they jumped it was… unnaturally quiet between them.

Not to stay that is a bad thing; it’s actually a good thing for being in a forest surrounded by enemies. However, even though it was good, it was actually freaking out Sakura and even Naruto.

Naruto was still being semi-loud and excited for any battle, and Emiko would normally be by his side with it. Agreeing with him and saying that she couldn’t wait to turn someone into art. But she wasn’t, not to say she was quiet but when Naruto said something like.

“We can take anyone that comes at us! Right Emi?” Emiko’s reply to him would be. “Yeah! Un,” but it… was different. Like she wasn’t listening to him, her words were half-heartedly. He even noticed that she was deep in thought and he came to the conclusion that she was a bit put off because she didn’t have her clay, so he let it go, still freaked out that she wasn’t being herself but he knew how much his best friend loved that pouch, it was from her brother after all.

Sakura came to the same conclusion as Naruto, she even tried to cheer the girl up by saying something bad about Ino, knowing that the girl didn’t like her rival at all. Emiko just chuckled a little and didn’t say anything else!

Sasuke however knew the reason behind her offness (AN I know it’s not a real word hahaha) and was watching her carefully. She was distracted because of the kiss between them. He noticed that she was thinking it over and she was trying not to, but she was. He understood way so he made sure that if they were attacked, he would be able to stop anyone that would attack her noticing that her guard wasn’t as up as it should be… that it would be.

Sasuke was right, Emiko was thinking that and other things. She was concentrated on her scope as well and on her team. She tried to push any thoughts of Sasuke’s kiss away and into the back of her mind and she did but whenever her thought’s drifted, the memory popped up like an annoying fly, buzzing around her head saying ‘look at me, look at me, look at me!’ If she could, she would turn that stupid buzzing thought fly into art!

She ran her good hand through her hair and Sasuke dropped into jump with her. “Keep concentrated, Emi,” he informed her and she through a glare at him.

“I am!” she snapped under her breath and he raised an eyebrow at him. When did Sasuke start to look so cu- no Emi, Emi. Emiko shock her head and looked straight ahead. “It’s your fault, stupid buzzing thought fly!”

Sasuke looked at her weirdly. “Stupid buzzing thought fly?” he asked and she face palmed into her good hand.

“I said that out loud, didn’t I?” the girl asked and he nodded. “Never mind. It’s your fault. Couldn’t you have waited until, oh I don’t know. until we were out of the forest where enemies are everywhere?!” She asked under her breath and he chuckled.

“I saw the opportunity and I took it. You also asked for me to tell you in any way I could so now it’s up to you,” he retorted and she sighed.

“Worst timing,” she shook her head and looked up at Naruto and Sakura who couldn’t hear them. “Okay, pull it together Emiko… Art, battles, and forest, all in my mind and that’s all.”

The girl took a deep breath and Sasuke smirked at her. It seems she’s trying, he thought. To forget it happened for now. But when this is over, she’ll remember and have to face it.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now