Dreamstate, Flashback and a Letter. Chapter 32

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AHHH! I’ve been so excited to get this chappy out, I will warn you, most of this has nothing to do with the chuunin exam but it’s cute, informing (I think) and I just love this chappy for some reason hahaha. I hope you all agree with me.

Dedication to… SaikaKouzlo!! All of your answers have really help with what I am going to do about Emiko’s chakra nature. I think I have an idea what I am going to do now, thanks guys!!


Chapter 32

****Dreamstate**** third pov******

An eight year old Emiko sat on her bed, playing with her teddy called Artsy. She was telling Artsy its namesake and all about the art that she and her brother loved so much.

“My art is so pretty Artsy! When I have training with Dei-dei you have to watch, yah!” she exclaimed. “My art lights up the sky with a brightness that surpasses all… well not the sun but that’s the sun! The sun is bright but my art is a close second and if the sun and my art was in an art contest, my art’s fleeting beauty would win hand mouth’s down… hehehe,” the girl giggled, hugging the teddy close to her.

She heard a chuckle from her door and her head snapped up to meet the same blue eyes as her own. Deidara… her big brother and favourite person in the world. He has taught her everything she knows today as her mother didn’t lift a finger to help her since she was born.

“Dei-dei! I was just telling Artsy all about our Art!” she exclaimed with a bright grin upon her face and Deidara smiled at her.

“I heard, hand mouths down, un,” Deidara pointed out and Emiko giggled into her teddy. Deidara, grinned brightly at the cuteness of his little sister and scooped down and picked her up. She squealed and wrapped her arms around her brother neck, Artsy in her hand. “But you were wrong in one thing, my Little Bomber. The sun and our art would lose to your cuteness, yah.”

Emiko’s eyes widened and then smiled brightly. “But I can’t enter myself into an art contest,” she pointed out and Dei-dei frowned.

“Awe, why not, hmm?” Deidara asked and Emiko giggled at her brother.

“Because Dei-dei, I’m not art, art is fleeting and amazing. I’m human… and not fleeting,” She pointed out and Deidara hugged her tightly.

“You still just as beautiful. When you get older I’m going to have to beat the boys off with a stick... or turn them into art, hmm,” Deidara’s thoughts when towards what he would do to any boy who tries to flirt with his Little Bomber… Yeah, they wouldn’t live for more than ten seconds after their intentions were known. No one touches his little sister without consequences.

Emiko shivered. “Eww! Boys are gross! Un,” Emiko shouted, grossed out.

Deidara laughed, being pulled out of his thoughts of turning boys into art. “I’m gross, am I, un?” Deidara asked playfully.

Emiko, picking up on the playfulness, grinned.  “Yeah, Dei-dei is the grossest!” she exclaimed and Deidara gasped dramatically.

“Hurtful, un,” he joked and she giggled. “Hurtful little sister’s… what to do with them, hmm?” Deidara asked himself in fake seriousness before… “Attack! Un!”

Deidara’s hand mouths nipped at her and she squealed loudly before breaking out in giggles as he tickled her, trying to get out of his grip. “Ah! Dei!” she squealed and Deidara let go of her.

She landed on the ground and ran away from him and out of her room. Deidara, giving into the chase took off after her but not trying his hardest. If he did, then Emiko wouldn’t stand a chance of getting away.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now