The Curse Mark. Chapter 33

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I’m uploading everyone!!!!!! I hope you all enjoy!!

Dedication the same as normal. The first to answer the question is the one that gets the dedication!!


Chapter 33

I felt like I was floating on air… between the world of the living and the world of dreams… I wished to stay in my dreams, to stay with my brother and my memories of him. I missed him so much. I knew when I woke up, that life wasn’t going to be a happy and care free as it was in my dreams. I knew in real life that something I cherished was gone forever, lost in the forest where Orochimaru attacked us. My team, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura… without my clay pouch I am useless… I don’t like the feeling of being useless… it frightens me. These Iwa nin want to kill me and now they have the chance because they used an underhanded, weak, cowardly move. Even though Orochimaru was supposed to kill me for them… I knew that when they see me next they will attack with the intent to kill me.

They are the reason I’ve lost one of the three things I have from my brother, my Dei-dei and they are stupid enough to be manipulated by Orochimaru, stupid enough to think that a 6 year old would kill their parent’s! Rikku knew how I thought of killing when I was younger, I even said to her one day…

“The Village wants me to become a ninja before I’m eight Rikku… that scares me…”

“Why would that scare you Emi?...”

“Because, that means I’ll have to kill and become the village’s weapon, well that’s what Dei says… I’m not ready for that, yah. I want to be a kid for a while and practice my art…”

Even though I did end up killing before I was eight, I did it to protect someone. My brother. At that time I had seen enough of the ninja world from my brothers title of a missing-nin to know that it’s either kill or be killed in this world… that and the fact I got to show off my art which I rarely got to do at that time helps.

I was almost completely knocked out of my dream-like state and thoughts when I felt something dark start to form next to me… a dark chakra of the likes I have never felt before. It scares me… and it was in the real world. If I woke up… would I have to fight that too? I wouldn’t be able to without my clay… I’m completely useless.

Wait, useless… isn’t that what I always fought against? Even though I don’t have my main weapon, I still got something’s up my sleeve. I can’t just give up. I’ve still got my dream to fulfil and my team to protect. To fight side by side with.

I can’t give up; I’ve got to help them with all I’ve got! At those thoughts, I felt the dark chakra like it was touching me. My eyes snapped open and I heard a boom that sounded just like my art.

The first words I heard were, “Heh, looks like I blew them up into pieces,” some voice scoffed.

“Who did?” Sasuke voice… well I think it was Sasuke’s voice. It sounded a bit... off.

The sound of a punch hitting flesh was heard before “Zaku!” was shouted by someone in the area.

I tensed and I put my hands on either side of me and I pushed myself up off of the ground. I assessed the situation right away.

My scope was still on so I knew how many people were in the area. Three behind a bush, two in the tree and three nin’s I could see… Sound nin’s… two were awake, another was knocked out… the girl. My eyes stopped on another chakra… Lee?

“Emi, you’re awake!” Sakura exclaimed and I looked over at her and my eyes widened. She looked like she had gone through hell and back… her hair was short and she had bruises everywhere.

Art is Fleeting, My Little Bomber, Un. (A Naruto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now