⟬▻•𝙊𝙣𝙚•◅⟭ | 𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝘽𝙐𝙎𝙔 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙔𝙊𝙐

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"Awww c'mon you said you wouldn't have to work today!!!" You whined. Hanma let out a frustrated sigh while he got dressed.

"Look, I thought I wasn't gonna be busy today either. But Kisaki needs me to take care of somethin'." He replied.

"Wow so Kisaki is apparently more important than spending time with the love of your life, now?" You asked sarcastically as you rolled your eyes.

"That's not what I'm tryna say, babe. I love you more than anything. Just let me get this done and I'll take you out tonight, 'kay?" He said, walking over to give you a kiss.

You turned your head away so he'd miss your lips. This wasn't really making the situation any better, but you didn't really care.

You couldn't stand Kisaki, let alone hearing his name. And the fact that he's keeping your boyfriend from spending time with you, pissed you off even more.

"Take me with you.." You mumbled. "What was that?" Hanma asked, turning around to face you while he adjusted his tie. "I said take me with you. I wanna see Kisaki myself." You demanded.

"Y/N. I get that you're madn' all, but now you're just bein' reckless. I'm not takin' you with me, and you can complain all you want about that." He replied.

You rolled your eyes again, and started to get dressed, changing out of one of his oversized hoodies and into some casual clothes.

"What the hell, y/n are you hard of hearin' or somethin'? I said I'm not takin' you with me." He said in a serious tone.

"Yep I heard every word you said. And as you can see, I don't give a damn. I'm going to see Kisaki myself and speak to him personally whether I go by myself or I go with you. It's gonna happen either way." You answered.

Hanma sighed again as he ran his large hand through his short, messy hair. He hated when you got stubborn like this, and quite frankly, he wasn't in the mood for dealing with your attitude.

After you finished styling your hair, which you simply put in a ponytail, you grabbed your car keys and started making your way out of yours and Hanma's shared bedroom.

Before you even made it to the front door, Hanma grabbed you by the arm. His grip wasn't tight, but it was firm. "Let me go, Shuji..." You growled.

"No. I'm not lettin' you leave. Stay here, and I'll be back as soon as I'm done with work. You can have a few friends over if you want 'til then." He demanded.

You snatched your arm away and turned around glaring at him. "Ugh, I'm sick of just sitting around in this damn apartment all day waiting for you to come home like I'm a fucking dog!"

"And even when I do wait you come home super late anyway so I would've just wasted my time!! I get that you wanna keep me safe, but locking me up in here is suffocating and I hate it!!!" You yelled, stomping your foot like a child throwing a tantrum.

Hanma stood there silently and listened to you as you yelled in anger, scolding him about how his priorities are messed up, and many other things. It wasn't long before you began crying and getting even more frustrated.

"Alright, alright. I get it. You're upset cuz I haven't spent any time with you and I'm not even mad at you for that. But talkin' to Kisaki won't make much of a difference is what I'm tryin' to tell to you." He explained.

"And I'm sorry for lockin' you up in here like that. But it's dangerous out there, and I don't wanna lose you." He added, giving you a hug.

"It might not make a difference to you..but I will talk to him anyway. I'm sick of not being able to be around you a lot like I used to..." You mumbled, hiding your face in his chest.

𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝘽𝙐𝙎𝙔 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙔𝙊𝙐 | 𝙎. 𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙈𝘼Where stories live. Discover now