⟬▻•𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚•◅⟭ | 𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝘽𝙐𝙎𝙔 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙔𝙊𝙐

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"What are you doin' here..? I was..busy with somethin'..." Hanma mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. His gaze wandering elsewhere, avoiding Kisaki.

"Mhm. Yeah, I heard." Kisaki replied with a laugh. A light pink appeared on Hanma's cheeks, feeling more embarrassed now knowing that Kisaki heard what you and him were doing.

"Anyway, I came to talk to you about earlier." Kisaki said, clearing his throat. Hanma's heart dropped, or at least it felt like it did. He could feel the pit in his stomach grow greater with anxiety.

"L-Look Kisaki, I'm sorry about y/n. She was just mad earlier." Hanma said apologetically. Kisaki sighed as he took a seat on the living room couch.

Just as he did so, you came out of the bedroom in one of Hanma's oversized T-shirts he gave you, rubbing your sleepy half-open eyes.

Hanma was in the kitchen getting him and Kisaki a drink. You went over and hugged Hanma from behind.

"Hanmaaaa...when are you coming to take a nap with meee..." You whined in a sleepy, babyish voice.

Hanma then pulled you around to his front side, gently gripping your waist and placing a kiss on your forehead.

"I'll be back there soon baby. Kisaki and I are talkin' about somethin'." He answered, a soft smile forming on his thin lips. "Kisaki...?" You asked, looking over in the living room.

"I know this Steve uncle looking ass mf ain't sitting on my damn couch. Let alone in MY favorite spot.." You said to yourself, glaring at him.

Your proclaimed "favorite spot" was the corner of the couch where it made a 90 degree angle.

That was where he was sitting. The mere audacity of this man to interrupt you and Hanma earlier, and now sitting in your favorite spot on the couch? You started to think you should've just killed him when you got the chance.

His back was turned so he couldn't see you doing that, but he could sense your intense glare, and didn't dare to turn around.

Hanma could tell you were pissed by the face you were making, and held you close. Not to really comfort you per say, but to keep you from attacking Kisaki.

"Geez can I at least grab a snack or two?" You groaned, trying to break away from Hanma. "I'll get them then, so what all do you want?" He said, adding the follow up question.

"I want two bags of takis and a soda. I don't care what kind." You answered, rolling your eyes.

"Red or blue?" He asked. "Red. And I want my shark gummies and goldfish too." You answered again, this time a little more demanding.

You watched as he grabbed your beloved chips and gummies off the top of the fridge, and went into the cabinet to grab your goldfish.

He then went into the fridge for your soda, and placed everything on the counter. He did all of this with one hand around your waist.

And of course, you were still hugging him as you waited patiently for him to give you the food you desired.

In all honesty, you just wanted him as the snack, but you still needed to recover from earlier, so these snacks will have to do for now.

Hanma had grabbed a bag and carefully placed all your snacks in it to ensure your chips and goldfish don't get crushed.

He didn't really give a damn about the gummies cuz well, they're gummies. Delicious, yummy, chewy gummies.

𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝘽𝙐𝙎𝙔 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙔𝙊𝙐 | 𝙎. 𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙈𝘼Where stories live. Discover now