☆𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫☆ ~ 🎃𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡🎃

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Hello everyone! Happy Halloween!!! <333

As promised, the bonus Halloween special is finally here! I can't thank you all enough for enjoying the story so far, despite the drama that's currently going on in it. TwT 

Anyway, please take this bonus chapter as a token of my appreciation. I worked really hard on this the past week and a half or so, so please enjoy to your heart's content. 🥹



In this timeline, y/n and Hanma have two kids, a boy and a girl, and the kids basically force the four of them to go trick-or-treating as a family because why not lmao. Enjoy <33


Y/N Hanma

Shuji Hanma

Tetta Kisaki

Hanami Hanma (daughter)

Hakairi Hanma (son)


"Mommy, is it just gonna be me, Hanami and you again...?" The little black-haired, golden eyed boy asked, looking up at you with disappointment.

"I'm afraid so, honey. Papa has to work late again." You answered softly, patting him on the head. 

The little boy climbed onto the couch, laying his head in your lap while he whined. You gently ran your hand through his hair, stroking it backward to keep it out of his face while he was laying down.

You could hear your heartbroken son sniffling, and his hands were constantly moving towards his face, presumably wiping away his tears. 

"I know, sweetie. I want us all to go trick-or-treating as a family just as much as you do.." You said in a slightly hushed tone.

Another black haired girl with sharp golden eyes came running out of her room, looking for her older brother, your son Hakairi. 

"Kai! Kaiii! Where are youuu!" She yelled loudly, her semi-long black hair swaying while she ran around.

"Calm down, Hanami. Your brother is right here, but leave him be for now please." You said, looking back behind your couch to see her.

"Huh? Why??" She asked, running over to you. You could tell just by her face that she was excited for trick-or-treating, but her smiling face would soon turn to one of frowning and tears, just like her brother.

"Because papa can't go candy hunting with us this year...again.." You answered, pushing a strand of Hanami's hair behind her ear.

"W-what...? But...But he promised me! He promised me he would!" She yelled again, this time much more upset. The tears were already building up in her eyes, and you immediately brought her in for a hug.

Both Hanami and Hakairi looked like the spitting image of you whenever you cried, which made you feel just as upset as you were before. You hated when your babies cried, even over the smallest things.

"You wanna call papa and talk to him you two..?" You asked in an unsure tone. Your two children nodded simultaneously, and you pulled out your phone, dialing Hanma's number.

"I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.." Hanami growled as she wiped her continuous tears away. 

Hanami was closest with her father, as you were with your son. So of course, she would be the most upset, because he basically broke his promise to her.

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