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Hey everyone, I just wanted to once again thank you all for enjoying this story, as well as reaching these milestones in just such a short amount of time, especially after it hit 4k. It's only been a few weeks, maybe a month at best, and it's already at 6k, and I love you guys for that.

Now, I'm afraid that the time has come for this story to go on a temporary hiatus, as well as two other stories that have been getting inconsistent updates. 

The reason for this, is because I'm constantly getting hit with writer's block and I currently have a huge lack of motivation, which causes me to get the chapters out much later than I intended to begin with. 

On top of that, I'm already managing my job and school at the same time, and right now, I need to study for midterms.

I expect to be back by Christmas, but even that isn't a guarantee. If I do happen to be back by then, great. But if not, then I will see you next year in January. 

Thank you, and know that I love every single one of you. You guys deserve the world and then some, because without your support my story wouldn't have gotten to where it is now.

The Author,


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