⟬▻•𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣•◅⟭ | 𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝘽𝙐𝙎𝙔 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙔𝙊𝙐

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While you were out with Ran, Hanma was still looking for you, and ended up running into Rindou. The two stood still, looking at each other, and creating an awkward silence.

"...Hello, Rindou..it's been a while." Hanma said. Rindou gritted his teeth, and began reaching for the pistol hiding in the back of his pants. But stopped midway, remembering what Ran told him.

"If he doesn't leave her, and you kill him, she'll be stressed out, depressed, and devastated, which will cause her to miscarry. That's not something that neither of us want."

Letting out an irritated sigh, he let his hand fall back to his side, and instead glared up at Hanma, therefore making his hatred known.

"You're lucky y/n is dating you. If she wasn't I would've killed you already regardless if my brother said otherwise.." Rindou growled.

"Well maybe if your brother didn't fuck my girl he wouldn't have gotten his ass beat, and we wouldn't be havin' this conversation right now." Hanma growled back in reply.

"Well she came onto him while she was drunk, and he took up the opportunity." Rindou explained. "Hmm..so what I'm hearing is...another good reason to beat his ass again." Hanma replied.

"Listen here, asshole. You touch my brother again, I'll kill you. Understand?"

Before Hanma could say anything else, you and Ran walked through the hotel doors, laughing and chatting. You both quickly went silent when Hanma and Rindou came into view.

The tension in the room quickly grew heavier as the four of you stood there. Hanma glared at Ran with his sharp, golden eyes before grabbing you by your wrist and dragging you to the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed, you could feel that same glare that Hanma gave Ran, now fall on you. "You and I are gonna have a nice, long chat when we get to our room.." he mumbled.


▻•At the hotel room...

You sat down on the bed closest to the door as Hanma paced around the room. The tension in the room grew with every passing second.

"Hmm..." He hummed. "S-Shuji, are you still upset about this morning? O-or that I came back with Ran..?" You asked.

"I don't give a damn about this morning. But yes I'm pissed that you not only disappeared without tellin' me, but you showed up with the very person who is currently on my fucking shitlist." He answered in an irritated tone.

"What the hell are you, my dad? I'm not obligated to tell you where I'm going, regardless of who it's with." You growled in reply.

"Like hell you aren't! Cuz if you end up in some type of trouble, I won't know where you are, dammit!" He yelled. His loud voice sent shivers down your spine.

"Okay well what about all the times YOU leave without telling me where you're going huh?! And then when you come home late or with some type of injury, or blood that isn't even yours, you tell me not to worry about it!" (y/n)

"Because I don't want you gettin' involved in my shit. You know I do dangerous stuff that I don't want you to see." (Hanma)

"Right and with me knowing that fact, you expect me not to worry? I'm not some stoic faced emotionless looking bastard, who acts cold towards their lover, unlike SOMEONE I know..." (y/n)

"Tch, whatever. Speakin' of which, I heard that you were the one who came onto Ran while you were drunk durin' the week that I left. What the hell is that about?"

"Wait what? I came onto him when I was drunk...?"

"Nuh-uh, don't play that 'I don't remember' shit with me. You remembered plenty when I asked you if the kid was mine, what's one minor detail."

"Look, I don't fucking remember okay? On that note, what the hell were YOU doing while we were at odds during that week, huh?"

"I was working, and I stayed at a motel. I honestly didn't have shit to do, and I damn sure didn't wanna come home to your moody ass."

You reached in your pocket, grabbing your phone, unlocking it and going through your messages. More specifically, a conversation you had with one of your closest friends, Yuki.

"You said all you did was work, correct? Then what the hell were you busy doing at a fucking night club, where the only work that occurs there is a bunch of hookers and sluts ready to sell themselves?" You asked, showing him the image she was sent.

It showed Hanma sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette, where one of the dancers was right in front of him. And from the looks of it, he was enjoying himself.

"Where the hell did you get that??" He asked irritably, reaching for your phone. You quickly moved it out of his reach, and pushed him back.

"Doesn't matter. And on top of that, this picture was taken the day BEFORE I went to the bar and hooked up with Ran." You explained.

"Look, I was waitin' for someone while I was there because that's where they wanted to meet, alright? I wasn't even payin' attention to who was in front of me." He explained back.

"Mhm. And I'm guessing that this little slut right here was the person that wanted to meet with you, right?" You asked again, swiping to a short video of him walking towards the back of the club with the girl in question.

He gritted his teeth, and let out a frustrating sigh of defeat. He was caught, and now didn't even have anymore words to defend himself with.

"Okay, so yeah, I cheated. But at least I didn't get her knocked up. I used a fucking condom." He said, rolling his eyes.

You huffed as you got up and made your way to the door, to which Hanma immediately grabbed your wrist. "Where the hell do you think you're goin'? I'm not done talkin' to you yet." He growled.

"Well I'm done talking, and what's that answer you always give me when I ask you that very same question..? Oh yeah, don't worry about it." You answered, snatching your wrist from him and walking out the door.

He wanted to stop you from leaving, but for some reason, he didn't. It's the first time in a long time he's let you just walk away from him.

Meanwhile, you stomped down the hallway and back into the elevator again. Pressing the button that leads to the lobby, you stood and waited as the doors slowly closed in front of you, and the elevator music began playing.

You tried to relax the best you could, and try to take your mind off of the conversation that took place a few minutes before.

When you got down to the lobby, Rindou and Ran were still there, but you completely ignored them, and stomped out the front doors with tears in your eyes.

"I should follow her and ask what's wrong." Ran suggested. Rindou quickly disagreed, and said to let you be for now, so Ran took his advice, and let you go.


𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭 ...


𝙏𝙊𝙊 𝘽𝙐𝙎𝙔 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙔𝙊𝙐 | 𝙎. 𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙈𝘼Where stories live. Discover now