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You get ready while watching your daughter, who plays with her dolls. The Zenins were invited to your house, and now you're forced to spend time with them. It is most likely to update you on stuff, give you the things to recite for the wedding that's now three weeks away.

"Mommy." Your daughter calls out as you finish putting on your lipstick. You put the cosmetic down and turn your attention to her.

"What's up, Misaki?" You ask your daughter. You walk over to her, and sit down on the bed with her. She's quick to give you one of her dolls.

"Your grandbaby misses you." She informs you which causes you to giggle as you take the doll from her.

"My bad, I didn't mean to become a lousy grandma." You respond. You look at the clock that's in your room, and you sigh. "Only for five minutes, though."

"Where are we going?" Your daughter asks as she grabs the baby's bottle that she had put to the side earlier.

"We're not going anywhere, we just have some visitors." You tell her, and she just tilts her head, wondering who could it possibly be. She stays quiet and continues to play with her baby doll. Your minutes are cut short, when there's a knock on your door.

Your father opens the door, not waiting for a response. He pokes his head into the room and smiles at you and your daughter. You sigh, knowing what's about to roll off his tongue. "They're here."

"Okay, Misaki, we can play more later." You smile at her and she nods. She puts her doll down and gets up from the bed. You stand up as well and hold her hand before walking out of the room, and going downstairs.

It's just Naobito, Toji and baby Megumi. Your daughter is quick to go up to greet the man who she remembers from the previous week. She also remembers the baby that sits on the man's lap. She waves at them with a smile. "Hi, Mr. Toji! Hi, Megumi!"

"Hello, Misaki." Toji responds. Baby Megumi just blinks at the child. Your stepmother looks back and forth between Misaki and Toji. After a minute or so she puts on a smile.

"Misaki, greet Naobito." Your stepmother speaks. She looks over at the much older man. Her first reaction is much different than when she met Toji. She runs to your side and attempts to hide behind your leg.

"It's alright, if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to." Naobito says, taking a sip from his drink.

"Hello." You smile at the men and at the baby. Naobito greets you back, while Toji stays quiet. Toji stares at you, though. Naobito looks at your stepmother, and father, while making a motion to walk outside. Naobito and stepmother stand up, and the three of them begin to walk outside.

You walk to the couch to sit down next to Toji, mainly so you can be close to the baby. Misaki also walks to the couch, to sit down next to Toji and talk to him. You coo at the baby, and he's quickly interested. He makes grabby hands your way and Toji is hesitant to let you carry the baby.

Toji holds on to Megumi, and tries to pretend as if he doesn't see Megumi's desire to go to you. He acts as if he can't hear the baby's whines. You know Toji won't give up the baby and you know better than to ask. You wouldn't just let anyone carry Misaki when she was a baby– Even though you're Toji's fianceé, you're merely strangers.

"So, I never asked why you were coming here." You begin, wanting to distract yourself from the adorable baby.

"Something about wedding vows. They're ready and they want you to memorize them." Toji informs you. "He also is talking about living arrangements after the wedding."

"Oh... Do you know-" You start but he interrupts you.

"Big house, probably as big as the one I proposed in. Definitely bigger than this house. They'll sign the papers next week, I believe. The house will be ready by our wedding." He informs you.

"Wedding?" Your daughter asks, looking up at you. She tilts her head. In that moment you're stuck, unsure of what you want to tell her. For the past week, you've had no idea what to say. You tried to think of what you would tell her, but ultimately nothing came up.

"You know what a marriage and wedding is, right?" Toji speaks up which makes you and your daughter look his way. She nods at him. "Well, your mommy and I are getting married."

Your daughter looks at you, confused. She associates marriage with one thing and one thing only. "Mommy, you love Mr. Toji?"

You're taken back, unsure on how to respond. You don't want to lie to your daughter, but at the same time you don't want to tell her the truth. She won't understand, and she will most likely tell everyone the truth. Toji thinks about helping you out, but the look on your face makes him feel some kind of joy.

"I-" You look at your daughter before looking at Toji. He tries not to smirk. It's a hard situation for you, harder than it should be. You look back at your daughter again. You can't look into her eyes. "I do."

"When are you getting married, mommy?" She asks. You decide not to answer, instead you press a kiss on her forehead.

The room is silent for a moment until Megumi begins to cry. Toji isn't sure of what it is. Toji stands up and begins to cuddle his baby, trying to soothe Megumi. Toji doesn't want to ask you but he has no other option.

"I just fed him before we came here, I know it's not a diaper change. I burped him too. I don't know what it is, maybe you know." He tells you. You stand up and walk over to check the crying baby. Toji let's you see the baby, and your hand goes to Megumi's face.

Your thumb pulls down the baby's bottom lip. You see his swollen gums, and immediately figure it out. "He's teething."

"Fuck, really?" Toji responds, embarrassed that he didn't figure that out earlier. "I don't have anything for that."

"Just massage his gums for a bit. I'll put something in the freezer that he can chew." You inform him.

"Thank you." Toji replies. "Actually-"

"What?" You ask and watch as Toji sighs. He debates on what he should do.

"Can you hold Megumi for a second so I can go wash my hands?" He requests and you nod. He hands you the baby, and you gladly hold him. You look down at the baby's red cheeks, and his puffy watery eyes. He rubs his ear, and is about to start crying his heart out again.

Your daughter watches from afar, humming a song to herself. She's bored, not really interested in the crying baby. Toji walks back, ready to take his baby back, to find you caressing the baby's chubby cheek. Toji clears his throat and you're forced to give Megumi back to him.

"Thank you." He mutters.

Soon enough the people that were outside, come back in. They study the scene, and for once decide not to disrupt it.

Your stepmother gives it a minute before speaking up.

"You have three weeks to memorize your wedding vows. You better recite them perfectly."

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now