↳ 𝘼𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙖𝙧𝙮

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"Gumi!" You yell, trying to spot the toddler who ran away from you when he heard that tonight wasn't going like your usual Saturday nights. Usually the four of you would watch a movie that they want to watch, and while Megumi falls asleep not even 30 minutes into the movie, it's something he enjoys. There's always popcorn, soda and candies that the little glutton feasts on, and he somehow manages to fall asleep with so much sugar in his body.

But tonight there's none of that. He won't be awakened by his mommy when the movie is over so she can brush his teeth. His father won't read a bedtime story to get him to fall back asleep either. His parents won't stay with him tonight, so he hopes to show them how fun it is to be with him so they'll stay with him.

"Mommy!" You hear. It's like a game of hide 'n seek, except he's yelling your name so you find him. A sigh escapes your lips, and you check up on Misaki, seeing that she and Toji are playing with her dolls. Toji's ready to go, you aren't though.

"Gumi!" You yell again.

"Mommy!" He yells back. That sound is coming from the guest bedroom. You enter the room, and your eyes scan the place. Of course he wouldn't be out in the open like that.


"Mommy!" You lift up the bedskirt and lean down to immediately see your little boy hiding under the bed. He smiles brightly and it melts your heart.

"C'mon, honey." You say and he begins to crawl from under the bed. He finally gets out, and you pick him up from the floor, kissing his cheeks, "What were you thinking, honey?"

"Play with me, mommy." He pouts. Your bottom lip sticks out and you hold back from laughing. Not only are you leaving him tonight, but you're not paying much attention to him because you're getting ready. You kiss his cheek again before looking around the room. It's dusty, and you take note about cleaning it during the week.

"Tomorrow we will play as much as you want, honey." You tell him, which doesn't satisfy him. He crosses his arms and furrows his tiny brows.

"Put me down, mommy." He says, and it hurts your heart a little but you do as he wishes. He begins to walk away, and you hope he doesn't begin to run because you know you won't be able to catch up.

The bed covers look a bit messed up, making you assume that Megumi tried to climb on the bed but failed. Your hands land on the covers and begin to smooth it out. Your eyes catch something white that sticks out from under the mattress. It seems like a piece of paper. You lift up the mattress and find two folded up pieces of paper.

Your eyebrows furrow, and you lightly bite the inside of your bottom lip as you grab them both. You wonder what it is. You walk out of the room with both pieces of paper, and walk back to your bedroom.

The moment you walk to the bedroom you find Megumi trying to climb onto your bed. You put the pieces of paper down on your nightstand before lifting up the toddler onto the bed.

"Are you going to help mommy choose her outfit for the night?" You ask Megumi and he nods. He begins to suck on his thumb, laying his little head on your pillow. At this rate by the time you leave, he'll be asleep. "You're just the sweetest baby."


"What do you think of this dress, honey?" You ask Misaki who decided to join you. You would also ask for Megumi's opinion, but just as you predicted, he fell asleep on your bed. Misaki tilts her head before shaking it.

"I don't like the color." She comments. You look over yourself in the mirror and can't help but agree with her. At this point you're even questioning why you bought it. You walk to the closet to look for another dress.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now