↳ 𝙇𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙊𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨

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Toji's overwhelmed. He's working more than eight hours a day, taking care of a toddler, and doing all the housework. Although he's gone through worse times before, this feels like the worst time of his life. Worst part is that he only sees you and your daughter's face for a mere ten minutes daily. All through a shitty rectangle. Megumi gets so excited during those ten minutes, but the moment you have to hang up, he's crying his eyes out.

You live hours away, taking care of your daughter while you homeschool her for the time being. Luckily enough, the money Toji sends weekly is more than enough for you and Misaki. Misaki doesn't understand why she's not back home with her father and brother.

"C'mon, Megumi. You have to go to daycare." Toji tells his toddler, trying to put on Megumi's socks. But Megumi is making it difficult. He doesn't like daycare.

"Don't want to." Megumi mumbles. He wants to stay with his mommy. It feels like an eternity since the last moment he saw her. It's actually almost been a month. "I want mommy."

"Mommy will come back soon enough." Toji tells him. It's almost been a month and Shiu hasn't threatened anything. The same morning you left, Shiu came looking for his daughter but you were gone. The man left pissed off, and Toji was sure that Shiu would immediately go to the Zenins, yet nothing has been done. At least the Zenins haven't contacted Toji.

It's not likely that Shiu will do anything, so at this point you should be able to come back home. He'll talk to you about coming back home tonight when you call. Both him and Megumi miss you terribly, and at this point you're both just wasting precious time in fear that a man that can't keep promises will take your daughter from you.

"I want mommy." Megumi repeats because that doesn't seem clear to Toji. Megumi is starting to catch up. Mommy will come back soon is not fast enough. He wants his mother now, but unbeknown to him, his father can't really do anything.

"She'll come back soon." Toji responds, making Megumi kick his feet. Is his father not catching a hint? Soon is not soon enough. Toji is quick to scold the toddler, "Mommy is not going to come back if you keep behaving like this, Megumi! She'll stay away."

That makes the toddler start crying and Toji sighs. He shouldn't have raised his voice. After all, Toji feels the same exact way as Megumi. But Toji can't deal with the tiny human's emotions on top of his own. Toji has to deal with the dreadful emotion of missing both his wife and his daughter, while dealing with a distressing toddler and tiring working hours.

Toji is exhausted. The moment he gets you back home, he's going on a vacation with you. Just you. Your second honeymoon. One that he'll actually enjoy.

"You're going to daycare and that's final." He tells the child. Megumi continues crying while Toji looks for the toddler's shoes. Toji really can't deal with this first thing in the morning. "Mommy will come back soon, Stinkgumi. I promise you she will."

He keeps the promise to you and Megumi. Tonight he'll tell you that it's finally time for you to come back because Shiu is clearly not a threat anymore.


There's a knock on Toji's office door, which makes him sigh. He closes his eyes for a brief moment before yelling, "Come in!"

"Mr. Zenin, your uncle wants to see you." The new assistant opens the door and informs Toji. Toji sighs and thanks the assistant, who walks out the moment she isn't needed. Toji doesn't think too much of it, after all, Naobito wants to see him all the time because they do work together.

Toji stands up from his chair and walks out of the office. He goes to the elevator and patiently waits for the lift. He hears his assistant on the phone, most likely writing down a memo for Toji.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now