↳ 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙋𝙩. 2

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"So nice to see you too, Mr. Itadori. May I ask what you were speaking to my wife about?" Toji asks, glaring at Jin. Misaki, who is in Toji's arms, just looks back and forth between Jin and Toji. She doesn't understand what's going on but she knows that something is going on. You walk to Toji's side before looking back at Jin with the same smile that you've had for a while.

"Just making some polite conversation, Mr. Zenin. Do you have a problem with that?" Jin questions, and Toji doesn't immediately respond. You glare at your husband, hoping your look will force an answer out of his lips. He takes too long so you answer for him.

"There's no issue, Jin." You try to assure him. You attempt to change the topic fast before this can go on any longer. "Yu-"

"What kind of conversation, Mr. Itadori. Do I need to remind you she's a married woman?" Toji cuts you off and your eyes widen. You're not the only one with that reaction. Jin's cheeks slowly turn pink. His face is one as if he had just gotten caught red-handed.

"Now, honey, Jin is just being nice. No need to act so jealous, you know Jin is a good guy." You try to smile at Toji, but it's hard to hold up a smile. You look back at Jin. "Sorry about him, Jin. He has some jealousy issues."

"That's understandable. I would too." Jin replies, which makes Toji furrow his eyebrows. Misaki notices and is quick to say something.

"Dad, are you mad?" Misaki asks which causes your eyes, and Jin's eyes to widen. You both look at Misaki. Toji is also surprised by Misaki's use of "dad" but ultimately his frown goes away. He smiles, and shakes his head.

"I'm alright, Misaki." He assures her. You hope to change the subject now that Misaki has spoken.

"You really have a cute baby, Jin. Yuuji is adorable." You completely change the topic, looking at the drooling baby that just looks around. Megumi just looks at the pink haired baby, just analyzing him, wondering if you and Toji had chosen someone else to replace him.

"Thank you." Jin smiles. You stand in silence for a couple of seconds before Megumi finally stops staring and looks at you, slapping your collar bone, hoping to catch your attention. You look back at him with a genuine smile.

"What's up my baby?" You ask with a much sweeter tone. He tries to say words that end up as babbles. Nothing comprehensible but you pretend as if you understand, nodding and responding to his babbles. You look at the men in the room and excuse yourself, "Sorry but what Megumi is telling me is very important and it's best if I deal with it in private."

You step out of the uncomfortable situation, into one that's still uncomfortable but just slightly less. The people around you don't really like you, they just wonder how you ended up with Toji. Of course, there's a couple other people in the room that know, and they make you more uncomfortable than anyone else. You stand in a corner with Megumi, his hand grips the strap of your dress while he looks at the unfamiliar people.

Your father spots you and he walks over to you. He smiles at you, and looks at the baby that you hold in your arms. It's as if he had done nothing to you, or at least that's the vibe he gives off. When he finally gets to you he smiles, "We haven't really talked since I've gotten here."

"We haven't really talked in almost three months." You respond, and he has nothing to say. He never really bothers to call, or even text you, which you're actually grateful for. He puts his hands in his pockets, displaying his awkwardness.

"Where's Misaki? Haven't really seen her, she's been following you around all the time and she hasn't come to greet me." Your father brings up. You sigh, wondering when the conversation will finally be over.

"She's with Toji." You answer, which takes him by surprise.

"She's getting along with Toji?" He asks and you nod. Megumi interrupts the awkward conversation with a random yell. You both look at him.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now