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"Toji, are you almost ready?" You question when you step into the bedroom and find Toji laying on the bed. He's not ready. Not even close. He holds your six-month-old baby girl and plays with her little hands. It's nice to hear your baby's laughs, but you have a reservation you can't miss. "Toji, c'mon. Put Mika down. We have to get going soon."

"Babysitter isn't here." He reminds you while your daughter begins to slap his face with her little hands. It's so amusing to the man. It makes him miss Megumi as a baby.

"You could at least try to change." You tell him before walking into the closet. You find an outfit for him to put on. It's your fifth year anniversary, so of course you made some special plans. Especially since last year your anniversary was a total mess since you couldn't hold any food down. This time last year, all you thought of was puking.

"Mommy!" You hear and you let out a sigh. You pick out a dress shirt for Toji, your favorite out of the bunch. Once you put it down on the bed, the bedroom door opens.

"Mommy! Kiki won't play with me!" Megumi yells as he barges into the room.

"Honey, you have to be a little quieter. What if your baby sister was sleeping? That would've woken her up." You tell the five-year-old, who in response pouts and crosses his arms. He mutters,

"Ugly baby." Which isn't something unfamiliar. Ever since the announcement of your pregnancy, Megumi has gotten jealous and a bit mean. He realized that he wouldn't be the baby of the family anymore, so suddenly he got jealous. Occasionally he's a sweet big brother but most of the time he doesn't like Mika.

"What's that, Megumi? Mika is the cutest baby ever?" Toji teases while he lifts the baby up into the air, making the cutest laugh escape her tiny mouth. He puts on a baby voice before he says, "Yes, yes she is."

"Misaki, come here!" You yell. The ten-year-old walks into the room, a bit groggily. She knows she's about to get scolded. She simply doesn't want to play with someone she considers a baby. "Honey, why don't you want to play with your brother?"

"He's annoying." Misaki answers.

"Oh?" It catches the both of you off guard. Megumi's bottom lip begins to quiver and you pick him up from the floor. Toji stands up and puts Mika in her crib. He walks over to you to comfort Megumi as well.

"Why do you find your brother annoying?" You question, while rocking the young boy that cries into your arms. You both kiss his head, hoping that it'd help.

"I just want to play alone and he won't leave me alone." She responds. You're about to tell her to give her brother a chance, but Toji speaks before you.

"Go play, honey." Toji says and she nods before exiting the room. Toji takes Megumi from your arms before saying, "She's smothered by the little guy every second of every day. She deserves a break."

"She doesn't have to be mean about it, Toji." You reply, which Toji can't help but agree with. But he understands Misaki is frustrated with Megumi. Toji opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out his tablet so Megumi can play with it, which for sure will entertain him for the time being. Toji unlocks it and gives it to Megumi before putting the child down on the bed. "Now, go get changed, Toji."

"Can't we just stay here tonight?" Toji asks, about to pick Mika up from her crib. While he does enjoy spending time alone with you, nowadays it feels like he doesn't have a lot of free time to spend it with the kids. He loves spending time with his kids, especially with Mika since he feels like he's missing so many of her milestones.

"I made this reservation months ago. Took me so long to get it. Plus, I need a break from the kids." You tell him, and Toji sighs. He ends up not picking his daughter up and instead goes to the bathroom to begin getting ready.

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