↳ 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢

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"Mommy!" Megumi squeals when he sees you on the screen of his father's tiny phone. It's Megumi's favorite time of the day, as well as Toji's. Both of them smile as they look at you and Misaki. "Kiki!"

"Hi my baby." You greet him, and Misaki greets him as well, but she's a bit disinterested in the call today. You then greet Toji, a bit less enthusiastic. You're still mad at him for everything and he's not exactly too happy with your attitude but he can't complain because in the end, it's his fault.

"How are you two? Everything okay there?" Toji asks, but the question is ignored because a very enthusiastic toddler is trying to talk to his mother. Megumi doesn't let Toji speak as he repeats "mommy" over and over again. Toji loved the enthusiasm from the toddler the first couple of calls but now it just gets him annoyed. Of course, he doesn't scold Megumi for it. How could he scold Megumi for being excited?

"Everything is good here. Misaki is just a bit upset because she wants to see her friends again." You answer the question before you answer Megumi's calls. You pitch up your voice before you say, "What's up, Megumi?"

"I miss you." He says, hoping that it'll make you come back. It makes you pout in response and it does make you emotional but you manage not to show. You smile at him before responding,

"I'll miss you too. But I'll be back soon, baby." You tell him, and Megumi sticks his bottom lip out because it's what he has been hearing for the past month and you're still away. It's just empty promises and the toddler is starting to notice it. "Misaki, say something to your brother."

"Hi, Gumi." Is all she manages to say before she focuses on the game you bought for her. You won't bug her about it because Misaki has been feeling pretty down lately. Megumi begins to try to talk to her and he hums in response but doesn't indulge any other type of conversation. You end up sighing.

"Megumi, we have to go but we'll call you soon, alright?" You're about to hang up but Toji's voice catches your attention.

"You'll be coming back home soon, alright?" Toji says, which makes you wonder what he's up to. He hasn't told you that in any of your calls, so he definitely has something up his sleeve. You don't want to talk about it in front of Misaki, so you stay quiet. "Behave for your mommy, Kiki. We'll be doing something very fun after you come home and I'll be asking your mommy about your behavior."

"I will, daddy." Misaki responds. You end up saying your goodbyes, telling both boys how much you love them before you hang up. The moment Megumi doesn't see your face, the waterworks begin and Toji tosses the phone to the side to comfort his little boy.

"It's okay, baby. Mommy and Kiki will be back home soon." Toji kisses the top of his son's head. He soothes the crying baby boy with the urge to cry himself. Toji just wants his family back.


Toji looks over himself in the mirror, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt. Maybe this isn't the best outfit for the occasion. But Toji has lost his fucking mind so the fact that he's wearing a white shirt is the least of his problems. Toji makes sure to grab the black pair of gloves that he bought not too long ago before he exits the room.

He walks to his son's room to find Megumi cooking something up in the fake kitchen. Usually Megumi offers them to him, but Megumi finds himself annoyed with his father lately. He'll rather throw away the good food before giving it to Toji. Toji is about to say something to the toddler but the doorbell rings.

"C'here, Megumi. Let's greet the babysitter." Toji says, making the toddler stop cooking. He walks over to Toji and grabs the large hand that's open for him. They both walk downstairs and open the door for the babysitter.

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