↳ 𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙥

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The guests slowly leave the reception, one by one, once again congratulating the two of you. They don't dare to make a comment about the fiasco that happened a few hours prior. Instead, they find joy in it because they came here looking for gossip, and they received more drama than they could imagine.

"Congratulations again, Mr. and Mrs. Zenin." Jin comes up to you two and smiles. You smile back at him and wave. He has a couple more questions to ask, but he'd prefer to ask them while you two were alone.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Itadori, it was our pleasure to have you here." You respond. He nods and then stares at your husband for a minute or so before waving once again, and leaving.

"I hate his guts." Toji shares with you in a whisper. You roll your eyes before watching and studying the family that is coming up to you to congratulate you again. Each parent carries one of their twins, which you find adorable.

"You hate everyone that looks your way." You respond, and he doesn't dare to say anything back. He bites his tongue.

Your day seems interminable, and the guests seem to take their time to leave. The moment the last one leaves, however, Naobito pulls you and Toji aside. Your kids are left with the nanny, and your parents wonder around the house.

There's an office on the first floor of the mansion. The third door down the corridor is where it's at. It's dark, although it has a huge window that would allow light to enter. But it's kept dark, the navy blue curtains are shut for a reason. The lights are turned on, and Naobito takes a seat in the high and mighty chair that's behind the desk.

Neither you nor Toji take a seat. Naobito looks displeased, you can tell. But his gaze is directed towards Toji.

"Good job with dealing with that situation," Naobito looks at you, as he opens one of his drawers to find the bottle that he has been craving all day long. "You're worthy enough to carry the Zenin last name, at least you seem smart enough to."

You two watch as he opens the alcoholic beverage, and takes a sip straight from the bottle, not bothering to look for some sort of glass that could hold the drink. He then looks at Toji. "Still causing troubles for the family. Fuck as many women as you fucking want, as long as you know how to get rid of them after."

Naobito stands up and he walks up to Toji. He grabs Toji's white collar interpridly. They're almost the same height, Toji beating him by half an inch, but Toji is broader and more muscular due to the youthness that Naobito lacks. Toji can knock him out with a single punch, but Toji knows better.

Naobito has the money that Toji lacks. The money he needs to survive because any other type of money simply won't be enough for all his expenses.

"How are you going to let a woman outsmart you?" Naobito begins, before he brings one hand up and grabs Toji's chin, forcing Toji to look at you. "Look at her. Do we see the same thing?"

Toji hums, but doesn't say anything after that. Naobito clicks his tongue. "Tell me, boy."

"A woman." Toji answers, hoping that's a good enough answer.

"A nice ass and a nice pair of tits is what I see. Something I can play with when I'm bored. Someone who's supposed to bow her head when I walk by. Yet, she's proven to be a better Zenin than you." Naobito replies, making you feel mortified. But he's clearly the one in control in this whole operation. Disrespecting him could result in you living on the streets with Misaki. "You've never been proven to be worthy of the last name, but the least you could've done was not screw today up."

Naobito lets go of Toji. Toji looks back at his uncle and before he knows it, Naobito's palm strikes against his cheek. Toji doesn't flinch. Toji doesn't cover his cheek with his hand. Toji doesn't have a reaction. Toji doesn't do anything . You just stare, shocked at what just happened.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now