↳ 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨

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You're packing up upstairs, while Toji is downstairs in the living room, the flashdrive in the palm of his hands. His laptop rests on his lap, and Toji really is debating on watching the contents of the flashdrive. How bad can it be?

He gulps before putting the flash drive into the laptop. Toji's hands are shaking as he opens the video up. He presses play, turning the volume on the video all the way down. His breath hitches when the video begins.

It's clear that you weren't lying. It is a sex tape. It starts off simple. Your mouth wrapped around a dick. Just watching it makes Toji nauseous. He has to fast forward the video, and there you are with your ex-boyfriend having sex. He closes the computer and takes deep breaths to control the insane jealousy that rushes through his body. He feels like he's about to puke.

He takes the flash drive out and runs upstairs to find you packing everything up, careful to not wake Megumi up. Toji can't be mad at you for a mistake that you did when you were younger, and for something you did way before you met him.

"If Shiu threatens to leak it, the Zenins will force you to give Misaki to him." Toji begins, his voice low since he has to be careful not to wake the baby up. You roll your eyes at the obvious. You've been with Toji for two years now, and you've played house fairly well. Every time there's an event with the Zenins, you two show up and are labeled as the perfect family.

A slip up would be fine, but not with the Zenins. Especially with a scandal so big. The perfect housewife has a leaked sex tape with her ex-boyfriend. That'll ruin the image that the media has. The Zenins don't care if you have to give up your daughter in order to maintain the perfect image that they've created for Toji. The Zenins own your house and employ your husband, so there isn't much you can do. They can't take everything away from Toji if you willingly run away.

Toji sighs as he walks over to his nightstand, "Where are you planning on going?"

"I don't know." You sigh. You have no place in mind yet. Just somewhere that Shiu won't find you and take your daughter. If he's really set on taking her away, Shiu will do anything. As much as you hate to think about it, he has connections, dangerous ones at that. "I just have to go, Toji. I'm really mad at you right now, but it's not because of you that I'm leaving."

"I know." He responds. Now he's thinking about how he could've avoided this. First step was showing you the letters. He clearly messed that up. Maybe showing you the very same night he got the first letter, even if it meant ruining his night with you, this wouldn't be happening. But no, he just had to get his dick wet. He sighs, "I'm sorry."

"Nothing that we can do about it now." You tell him. You don't have time to cry and wallow in self-pity. You can only pack up and leave with your daughter. Toji opens the drawer of his nightstand and pulls out an envelope. It's too thick for it to be another hidden letter.

"I'll send you money weekly until Shiu is no longer a threat." He extends his arm to give you the envelope. It's not sealed so you open it to find a hefty amount of money. You put it in the suitcase, and before you can thank him he says, "I'm sorry."

"Thank you." You answer. As much as you want to tell him that it's all okay, it isn't. You're here because of Misaki and if Shiu takes her from you then you're nothing. "I'll call you and Megumi every day."

"How do I explain to him that you won't be coming home for a while? He adores you." Just the thought makes Toji's eyes water. It makes you want to cry too, but you have to push the thought away. He clears his throat so his voice doesn't break while speaking. "Megumi can survive fine without me, but not without you."

"Toji..." You finally take a seat next to him. "Megumi spends all day asking about you and when you're coming home. He adores you more than anything."

"That's not what I'm most worried about." An awkward chuckle leaves his lips. "I'm going to miss you and Misaki so much."

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