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"Megumi, come here!" You yell, chasing after the toddler. You don't understand, but after his second birthday he somehow became faster than you could handle. And now that the toddler is two months away from his third birthday, you barely can keep up with him. Misaki was a lazy baby, so you never had to deal with this. "Megumi!"

All you hear are his giggles as he runs away from you. You can't believe that a two year old is outrunning you. You have to stop to catch your breath, and that's when you realize that Megumi is running in a pattern. He comes back around and he bumps into your leg, as he looked back to see if you were still chasing him. He looks up at you, "Uh-oh."

"Caught you." You pick him up from the floor, walking to the bed to put him down to put on his clothes. Megumi now refuses to wear more clothes than just his pampers– And even sometimes he refuses to wear that. You're working on potty training him, which is more difficult than you'd like to admit. But he's getting the hang of it. "Daddy and Kiki are getting home soon. You wouldn't like them to find you like this, would you?"

"No, mommy." He shakes his head, looking as adorable as ever. He looks like an angel, it makes you forget the mess that he made earlier which is the reason as to why you had to bathe him earlier than usual. After putting on his clothes, you put him down on the floor.

He opens the door, which is no trouble for him any longer, and he walks out. You go after him, making sure he walks down the stairs safely. His little hand grabs the handrail, his right foot going down on a step, then his left foot going down on the same step.

It takes him a couple of minutes, but he makes it down safely. He runs to the living room to play with his cars, as well as Misaki's dolls that she leaves out. He doesn't damage the dolls therefore Misaki has no issue with her little brother playing with them.

"Mommy." Megumi says, and you hum in response. You wait for his response. He grabs the baby doll that has the same name as him, and holds it up to you. "Play with me."

"Of course, honey." You respond, taking the doll from him. Playing with Megumi isn't the most interactive thing, he just rolls his giant toy car around, occasionally taking the baby doll from you and giving you the car. It's not much, and he really appreciates it.

Ten minutes into playing, the front door opens, and Megumi comes to a complete stop. He waits to hear more before getting up from the floor.

"Stinkgumi!" Toji calls out, and the toddler stands up. Toji and Misaki come into view, and Megumi goes running to his dad.

"Daddy!" He yells, and Toji crouches down to pick up his running son. He picks up Megumi and kisses his cheek. Megumi kisses his father's cheek as well.

"Misaki, honey." You stand up and walk over to your daughter, kissing her forehead. You hug her, and she hugs you back. "How was school, baby?"

"It was fun!" She responds. She pulls away from the hug and takes off her backpack, putting it down in the middle of the living room. She's picked up that bad habit. Toji once nearly yelled at her because he didn't notice the bag, and tripped, but he managed to keep his cool. "We had pizza at lunch!"

"That's great, honey." You smile at her, picking up the backpack and putting it down on a corner. You shouldn't do this for her, but you still do it.

Once Megumi and Toji have their little father-son conversation, Megumi takes notice of his sister and he does grabby hands at her, as if she can pick him up.

"Kiki!" He yells, catching her attention. Toji puts his son down, and he watches as Megumi hugs Misaki. Misaki hugs him back, kissing the top of his head. It's such a nice scene.

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