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Time slowly passes and things slowly go back to normal. As normal as things can be between you and Toji. But his relationship with Misaki slowly recovers, and you couldn't be happier to see their bond. Toji started therapy. He goes once a week on Tuesdays. He's had two sessions so far, and his next one is in two days.

You don't talk to him about it. To be fair, you barely talk to Toji unless it's about the kids. It's awkward, but you like it better this way because Toji doesn't project her onto you. You like that. You also like how you get the bedroom to yourself since he decided to go to sleep in the guest bedroom.

But now, your "issues" with Toji aren't on your mind. The only thought in your mind is that your daughter's first day of school is tomorrow. Her excitement fills up the room and transmits to everyone around her, even baby Megumi.

"You have to wake up really early tomorrow, sweetie. Let's put you to bed." You tell her, and although she has too much energy that you doubt she'll fall asleep, she nods with much excitement. She waves at Toji, who sits on the couch holding his son, before she walks over to kiss the top of Megumi's head. You wait for her, and she walks to the stairs, making you follow her lead.

She gets to her room and runs to her bed. She's been wearing her pajamas since before dinner. You smile at her, reminding her, "Did you brush your teeth?"

"I did, mommy. While you washed dishes." She responds. You walk over to her and sit on the edge of the bed. You tuck her in and kiss her forehead.

"Are you excited?" You ask and she nods in response, a smile forming on your face. "You're growing up too fast, Misaki. I wish you'd stay as my little baby forever."

"You still have Megumi." She answers which causes you to chuckle. You kiss her forehead again before standing up.

"I love you. Night night." You tell her.

"Night night mommy. I love you too." She replies. You walk out of the bedroom, where you find Toji in the hallway, opening the door to his room. He stops for a second to talk to you.

"Is she... really excited?" Toji questions and you nod. Although their relationship is recovering, it's not quite the same as it was. Toji is too scared to go too fast so there isn't that much talking; just playing with her dolls.

"Toji..." You sigh. You don't want to have this conversation in the middle of the hallway, so you walk towards him, signaling him to go inside his room. He understands quickly and walks in. You enter the room and close the door behind you. You look around the room, where he's resided for two weeks, and you can only notice how messy it is.

"You do know you can talk to her about more than just the dolls, right?" You ask him, and he nods.

"I don't know, I just feel like I'm being too pushy and rushing her." He confesses.

"Rushing her? You would just be talking about how excited she is, Toji. You're not asking her to call you dad again or anything. You're not going to get too far by just asking her how to properly feed a baby doll." You tell him and he sighs. He walks to his bed and sits down, scratching his head. He doesn't understand why this is so complicated when Misaki is just a child.

"I guess... I just don't know. I feel like everything I do is wrong." He says, and you feel bad for him.

"Toji, I hate to admit it but you're a great father. Don't overthink stuff. Before the argument you were doing a great job with her." You reassure him, making him give you a weak smile. He mutters a thank you. You don't know what else to say so you turn around to open the door and leave the room but his voice stops you.

"You're also a great mother. Both with Misaki and Megumi." He tells you, and you don't understand why but your cheeks get warm with his words. You turn to look at him again, remembering a call that you received from Naobito earlier.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now