↳ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙄𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚

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You sit in the passenger seat of the car while Toji drives to Jin's house. Misaki is in the backseat, singing her heart out to the song that's on, one that Toji added to his phone just for her, while baby Megumi sleeps. Megumi doesn't wake up from Misaki's singing, but oddly enough he can manage to wake up when someone speaks ever so softly.

If it wasn't for your daughter singing, things would be beyond awkward in the car. Because you told Toji the truth but he refused to listen. So what else could you possibly do? He doesn't know what to do either. But he has figured out that you don't want to talk, so maybe he isn't as dumb as you think. At least he can figure out the obvious.

When Misaki's song is over and there's a bit of silence before the next, she says, "Are we almost there?"

"Should be there in about five minutes." Toji answers. Then the next song comes on and she's singing her heart out again because she knows the song word for word. And it's nice to hear Misaki sing again. She refrained herself for a bit even when her favorite song would come on, and you never truly understood why. It all happened after her father left, and then again, so much changed for the both of you.

And just what Toji said, in five minutes you're outside the apartment complex where Jin lives. Toji parks and you get out of the car quickly to get Megumi from his car seat. Misaki and Toji also exit the car, and Toji picks her up to carry her so she won't have to walk to the second floor.

"Can you get Megumi's diaper bag? It's on your side." You tell Toji as you take the sleeping baby into your arms. Toji doesn't respond, but he does what he's told and grabs the diaper bag.

You begin to walk to the building's stairs, and Toji follows behind. He really can't go anywhere without you since he doesn't know which apartment it is. Toji is just thinking of an excuse to leave as he walks up the stairs.

"Did you buy a gift?" Toji asks, hoping he can convince you to turn around and leave. Something that he should've done in the car, but if he did you would've just made a quick stop.

"I did. It's in the diaper bag." You respond, speaking softly to not wake up the sleeping baby in your arms. Megumi is wound to wake up soon, but you just want the baby to get as much sleep as he can since he's usually groggy if he doesn't get an exact amount of napping time.

"Did you pack everything needed for Megumi?" Toji continues, thinking of something that'll make you turn around.

"Yeah. Jin also has stuff we can use. He has a baby too, which is the only reason why we're here." You tell him as you finally get to the floor. You don't dare to mention the real reason why you're here. Yuuji is just an excuse, but in reality you want to see Jin. And you don't feel an ounce of guilt for wanting to see him, but it's best not to comment on it in front of Toji.

You continue walking as you look for his apartment number and Toji just thinks about the next possible excuse. What could possibly make you want to turn back? Maybe something regarding the kids' health, but he isn't willing to make up that type of lie to get out of this.

It's too late when you knock on the door. Within a minute, Jin opens the door with a smile on his face. It somehow gets brighter when his eyes land on you, which makes Toji roll his eyes.

"So nice to see you." Jin tells you quietly, noticing that Megumi is dozing off. Jin moves to the side, allowing you to enter the apartment. Jin still smiles when Toji walks in, but not as brightly. "Hi Misaki."

"Hi Mr. Jin." Misaki responds with a little wave. Once Toji is inside, he puts Misaki down. Toji looks around, seeing that it's fairly empty. He just sees an old man, and the baby, but no one else.

"Where is everyone else?" Toji asks without hesitation.

"There's not many people that want to come to a one-year-old's birthday party, believe it or not." Jin chuckles awkwardly as he closes the door. "Yuuji's mom is hosting her own little party since she can't stand being in the same room as me."

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now