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Toji doesn't know what to tell Misaki. An apology should be the first thing to leave his lips, but he doesn't know what kind of power consumes him that it just magically took his voice. He stops looking at you and just stares at the little girl. A million different ways to apologize should be going through his head, but his mind is blank. He clears his throat and excuses himself to the bathroom because he's on the verge of tears, his big mouth gets him in trouble again, but this hurts more than any repercussions from the Zenins.

He walks away like a coward, and you just glare at him. You don't want to bring up the issue right now so you continue cooking. You sincerely don't know how to deal with this, other than comforting her. Shiu would never talk like that about his daughter, and you're not prepared for this because you never truly thought this would ever be an issue. Although you can't give Shiu too much credit because he did end up leaving.

"The food I'm preparing is so yummy, honey, you're going to love it." You tell her, earning no answer from her. All you can gather from the situation at the moment is that she's deeply hurt. Who wouldn't be? A man that you look up to as a father calls you unlovable and tells your mother that if something were to happen to her, you'd be out on the streets because you're that annoying. Maybe Toji didn't mean it, but those words shouldn't have even crossed his mind in the first place.

You keep your eye on her while you continue with dinner, also watching the walking baby who searches for something. Your heart is breaking knowing that your daughter heard those words and the worst part is you don't know how to deal with all of this which makes you feel like an awful mother. You should know what to do is what you keep repeating in your head, but yet you have no idea. You just can't help but ask, "Baby, are you okay?"

"Yes, mommy." She responds, somewhat of an indifferent tone in her voice. You don't push the matter although you know that things with her are far from okay. You continue cooking the dinner that's for her, hoping that it'd cheer her up. You have some ice cream in the freezer that you'll give to her as well.

You finish up dinner and Toji is still away, and you don't bother to call him either. You serve the meal, and Misaki quietly eats while Megumi feasts on the food. You watch him to make sure he doesn't have any trouble, while also trying to maintain some sort of conversation with your daughter.

"Are you enjoying the meal?" You ask and she hums in response, but she's just playing with her meal. Usually you tell her to eat and stop playing with her food, but not tonight. Tonight you're trying to figure out what to do. "Excited to go to preschool tomorrow?"

She hums again. You thought that playing with her all day would somehow cheer her up, but now you realize how wrong you were. You don't expect her to be happy, especially after realizing she heard all that from Toji. You gently pat her head, "Eat up, baby, then we can eat some ice cream."

That somehow does the trick. At least she stops playing with her food.


You give her some more time so she can play a bit more before going to bed. She usually requests this but you shut her down each time because she needs to get more than enough sleep, but tonight your feelings toward that are different. Tomorrow if she requests staying home, which you doubt will happen, you'll allow it. Right now you're beyond worried for her, the last of your concerns is making sure that she goes socialize with kids her age.

You put Megumi to bed first. He's surprisingly really tired that after his bath his little eyes were shutting, yawns escaping his lips. He almost fell asleep in your arms, but he officially fell asleep when he was in his crib. You walk out of the room and begin to walk to Misaki's only to find that she tucked herself in, which you find rare since she would've taken those few extra minutes of play time. She usually waits for you to tuck her in, but tonight that's different.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now