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A month passes and things go as smoothly as they possibly can. Not much changes between you and Toji. Your interactions are as awkward as always because things are changing.

Toji is cordial with you, and you meet that sentiment with awkwardness. It's because you like Toji, you've come to that realization and there isn't any point in denying it because it won't make the feeling go away. You don't understand where this sudden change came from, you just came to the realization one morning. You feel like you'll make it so obvious with such a simple conversation and you don't want to ruin everything just when they've started to work out. Plus you won't lie and say that you don't feel a bit insecure considering all the bad comments he has made.

Liking him also feels wrong because neither of you wanted this marriage in the first place. Liking him and starting a relationship with him would make you feel as if you're proving your father and Naobito right in some sense. Not to mention the fact that Toji tried to kill you the night before your wedding– Or even mention his horrible treatment through the first few months that later changed into some weird projection.

You just don't think you'd be able to have a relationship with him, so this awkwardness takes over and will take over until this little crush of yours dies down. And it feels like it'll never die down because you see him everyday, whether you like it or not.

"What are we going to do for the rest of the day, Megumi?" You ask the baby that you hold in your arms. You finished cleaning the house and the preparations for dinner. There's no other chore for you to do in the place, and the house is empty as well. Toji's at work and Misaki at school, and soon enough they'll come. But for now you have nothing to do. "How about we watch some TV?"

You sit down on the couch and turn on the TV, putting on some show for Megumi. They bore you so much but as much as you'd love playing with Megumi all day long, you get tired and need a break. The best break possible is putting him down, putting a show that he can entertain himself with while you just sit and scroll through your phone. Being a housewife is more exhausting than you thought. And you still have so much to do after Toji and Misaki come home.

But Megumi isn't focused on his show today. When you put him down on the floor, he's quick to tap your leg– More like slap your leg. You pick him up, sitting him down on your lap. "What's wrong, my love? Is your show not interesting or do you just want to be close to your mommy?"

He then focuses on the TV while sitting on your lap, and since he's very calm you don't mind. You're mindful of what you open up on your phone since he'd manage to see it. You both entertain yourselves for a bit until you hear the front door open, your sweet daughter's voice filling the house.

"Mommy!" She yells, causing a smile to appear on Megumi's face following with a giggle. He adores Misaki so much, and that voice belongs to her. You put him down on the floor so he can walk, while you stand up and follow behind to see your daughter. She finally walks to the living room and she meets Megumi halfway, attempting to pick him up but he's just too big for her. Instead she kisses his cheek.

You bend down to kiss her forehead, then her cheek. "How was your day, Misaki?"

"Good." She keeps her answer brief. She usually tells you more about her day at dinner, but lately she's been talking about her upcoming birthday instead of her school day, so you're not getting much from that. Her birthday is in a couple of days and her friends along with parents are invited to her party.

"Where's your dad?" You ask, and she shrugs. Toji opened the door for her and walked back to the car, and she didn't bother to look much. "Alright, baby, go to your room and change. I made some yummy food for you."

"No broccoli this time?" She questions, making you chuckle.

"Baby, broccoli is good for you. It's really good too. I love it. Toji loves it. Even Megumi loves it." You tell her. She doesn't say anything else before walking away to the stairs. Megumi tries to follow her but you pick him up, causing him to whine.

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