↳ 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Almost everyone goes inside for the reception to begin. You have to stay behind because Jin has to interview you. Naobito's instructions were that as the guests go inside, you stay out for Jin. You stay by Toji's side, watching as your daughter refuses to go with the nanny since she wants to spend some time with her mother, who she hadn't seen since the previous night. She runs to you and hugs your dress.

"Mommy." She says, and your hand lands on her back and gently pats it. Toji just glances over before looking at the same nanny, who holds his son. It was a miracle that Megumi didn't cry once in the ceremony.

"Misaki, I'll spend some time with you later, okay? I have to do something first." You tell her and she lets go. She isn't happy with the response, but regardless, she deals with it. She walks back to the nanny, who is also making her way to you. The woman apologizes before walking away with the kids.

Jin makes his way to you two and smiles. "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Zenin."

"Thank you, Mr. Itadori." You respond. He looks back for a second to see the nanny and the children walking back into the mansion.

"The little girl is your daughter, Mrs. Zenin?' He questions and you nod in response. He then looks at your husband. "And the baby is your son, Mr. Zenin."

"It doesn't take an idiot to figure that one out." Toji says which makes you glare at him. He looks back at you and rolls his eyes. You then look back at Jin.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Itadori. Toji just wants to go inside and celebrate our wedding, which isn't possible since we're getting interviewed." You inform Jin. He doesn't take Toji's words seriously. In fact, he has zero to little respect for your husband so he's not really interested in what he has to say.

"It's no problem. This will be quick, Toji, so no need to worry."

"When did we get on the first name basis?" Toji mutters, and you just sigh in response. He wasn't so difficult in the first interview, so what changed now?

"Ask away, Jin."


You find yourself inside, hearing the congratulations from anyone that passes by you. They set tables outside for people, but for now everyone's inside drinking and chatting away, waiting for their food and their table.

Everyone wants to talk to you, yet you find yourself alone with your child. Naobito dragged Toji elsewhere, to talk about his new job and where he stands with the family business, now that he's married to the woman that his family chose.

The nanny holds Megumi, and she stands close to you. You want to hold him, but she says that he might puke and ruin your dress. So now you listen to your daughter ramble, which causes you to smile because you prefer to hear her over anyone and everyone.

"When I saw you I was like- like- like 'wow mommy's a princess'." She tells you, after telling you about how much she missed you for the amount of hours that you were apart. You smile at her.

"Thank you, Misaki, but you're the actual princess here. Look at how pretty you look in that dress." You compliment her. She smiles at you and you bend down to kiss her cheek.

Your father walks up to you, and he doesn't dare to congratulate you. He knows better, for once. He smiles at you before looking at his granddaughter who excitedly looks at him. "Grandpa! Can we play patty cake?"

And he doesn't refuse. He crouches down to her level and begins the game with her. And you watch them for a second before deciding to walk over to the nanny.

"I can take him, really. I have no issue with the dress being ruined." You insist, and she feels as if she needs a short break because she's been holding on to the baby for so long. "Go get yourself a drink and take a short break."

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now