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It's Sunday night, and you attempt to get Misaki ready for bed, since she has preschool the next day. She always goes to bed excited, knowing she'll get to see her friends the next morning. Misaki never has any trouble falling asleep, which you are thankful for.

"Good night, honey." You bend down and kiss her forehead before you bring the blanket up to her chin. You smile at her, and stare at her for just one moment. She's the only thing keeping you going. She has been for a while.

"Night night, mommy." She says. You straighten yourself before walking out of the room, turning off the light on your way out. You gently close the door and sigh.

You're worried she isn't sleeping well, although she seems like she has been. She doesn't come to you in the middle of the night anymore, like she always did while living at your father's. And maybe she likes it here better. The room is more fit to her liking and perhaps that's it.

You walk to your room and find that Megumi's nursery door is open. You peek in to find Toji holding his son, just as to be expected. You don't stand and stare for too long, instead you walk away to your room.

You begin to get ready for bed, changing into your pajamas and doing your night skincare routine. After you brush your teeth, you walk back to the bedroom to find Toji sitting on the edge of his side of the bed.

"I left a paper on your nightstand with what you have to do tomorrow. I know you know how to take care of a baby but I just want you to know the times and stuff." Toji speaks up. You immediately notice the folded piece of paper that's on the corner of the nightstand.

"Alright." You respond as you walk to the bed. You sit down on the bed and check your phone.

"Misaki is going back to preschool tomorrow?" Toji asks out of nowhere. You look at the man.

"Yeah she hasn't gone in a while. She's really excited to see her friends." You reply.

"She told me." Toji says in a half-laugh. And you like it. You like this side of him because he's not as cold. He's cold towards you, but not toward your daughter. He makes a bit of conversation. It's nice. You like it. "She's really talkative. She asked me to play with her dolls while Megumi napped."

"Yeah, that's Misaki for you. If she likes you she'll hold up her dolls and give you puppy dog eyes until you agree." You tell him, and he chuckles. You don't ask her if she played with him, because you know he did. You saw them. And you saw a big smile on your daughter's face, one you don't see as often, which causes a tug on your heartstrings.

You tell yourself that you're the only person she needs, but in the end it's up to her. And it's clear that you aren't. She misses him – Or at least a figure that is similar to his.

"Toji..." You begin, and he hums in response. He waits for what you have to say. "I know that we don't exactly get along, and I know you treat her right but I need you to promise something."


"Please don't ever hurt her." You look him straight in the eye. "Her father already did enough of that. She doesn't understand it but she's clearly hurt by it because she doesn't see him anymore."

"I promise I will never hurt your daughter." He responds.

"That also means no more assasination attempts." You attempt to joke, but he doesn't find the joke funny. He stands up and takes off his shirt before laying down on the bed, facing away from you.

"I'm meeting with Jin Itadori tomorrow." You announce which causes him to sit up on the bed and stare at you. His eyes bore into your head.

"When and what for?" He asks, wondering if you were planning on taking Megumi out without informing him. He watches as you put your feet on the bed. You turn your head to him to speak.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now