↳ 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧'𝙨 𝙀𝙫𝙚

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Megumi's in his playpen, sitting down as he plays with one of his new toys, and you watch over him, as well as Misaki who watches some TV. It's new years eve, and since none of you have plans, you're staying at home.

Toji's in his room, not joining the rest of you. You find it weird because although you thought you had made some progress at Megumi's birthday party, the moment you got home he was back to being the same cold Toji. You never spoke again about redoing Megumi's birthday but with the plans that Megumi's late mother had in mind. But you don't pay attention to him and his attitude anymore.

"Misaki, what would you like for dinner?" You ask, noticing how the sun is about to set. Yet Toji hasn't even bothered to get up from bed. You understand how hard he works, however, staying in bed for an entire day is something you can't understand since he has a son he has yet to come see.

"Pizza." She answers, and you think about the last time you've had the meal. You nod in response. She focuses on the show that's on the TV, so your eyes shift to the baby. His arm holds one of his cube toys and he wiggles his little arm. He isn't sure what to do with the cube.

You walk over to the side of the playpen and call him over with a smile on your face. "Come here, Megumi."

The baby just looks at you and you call him over once again. He puts his cube on the floor and puts his little hands on the ground before lifting himself from the floor and walking over to you. You can't help but smile at the baby before picking him up. You kiss his cheek before looking at your daughter. "Will you stay put for a moment while I go speak with Toji?"

"Yes, mommy." She answers, her eyes glued to the TV. You walk away with Megumi. As you walk up the stairs, you can't hear a single sign of life coming from upstairs which worries you. Perhaps something happened to Toji and you hadn't noticed.

You get to your bedroom and slowly open the door. The first thing you see is Toji, and he's breathing, laying on his side. You want to leave him alone, but he has yet to eat anything so you want to wake him up. You walk over to the bed and put down baby Megumi, who crawls over to his father.

"Toji." You call his name while Megumi puts his little hands on his father's bicep. Toji groans, and stays still for a moment until you call out his name again.

"I'm awake." He announces, before picking up his baby and sitting up. Megumi stares at his father's face and Toji just smiles at the baby. Toji then looks at you. "What do you need?"

"The sun is starting to set and you haven't gotten up. You have to eat something." You tell him, and he just sighs in response. You try to be nice to him because after all you still live together and you can't get out of this place anytime soon. "It's new years eve, don't you know?"

"How could I forget?" He responds. You aren't sure what to say to him. He just looks so down today, and you're not sure how to help because mainly he doesn't want your help.

"I'll leave Megumi to you." You say and he gives you a nod. You walk out of the room and go downstairs, back to Misaki who is focused on her TV. You sit on the couch, grabbing your phone which you had left there.

"What kind of pizza would you like, Misaki?" You ask as you unlock your phone, and just as you get it unlocked you receive a message from Jin.

Jin Itadori
Can I call?

"Cheese." She answers, and you hum, letting you know you heard her. You stand up and walk to the kitchen, not to order but to call Jin, wondering what he needs. Your mind can only think about the next article. You hear the phone ring at least two times before he picks up the phone.

"Hi!" You hear his cheerful tone from the other side of the phone. You greet him back, just not with as much excitement. He isn't sure what to say next because he has no excuse in mind. He just called you because he wanted to hear your voice. "So... Um... About the article, I was wondering if I could add something about today like... It is new year's eve and your husband's birthday so I wonder if you two are doing anything special. So like the celebration isn't just about your son but your husband's as well."

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