↳ 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙋𝙩. 1

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Time passes fast. It's December twenty-first, the night before Megumi's first birthday. He sits in his high chair while you feed him a purée you made for him. Toji sits on the couch, playing a card game with your daughter, one that she's forcing him to play.

Two months since you got married, and your relationship is quite the same. There hasn't been any progress, mainly because he doesn't make any sort of attempt. However, your daughter and him couldn't get along any better than they do.

"C'mon Megumi, it's yummy." You tell him, trying to give him a bit more of the food, but he just spits it out. It dribbles down his chin and you take a napkin to wipe it off.

Your sweet baby Megumi, the baby that you consider your son since you're always taking care of him, is already walking. With help of course. He's taken his first steps, and the action of walking intrigues him.

"I bet he wants some ice cream." Your daughter speaks up, noticing the bit of struggle from your part. She can see you from the couch, you sitting down and trying to feed the baby who doesn't want the food he finds nasty. She hears your laugh, as you scoop up the food that's on his chin.

"I bet he would, but he has to eat something healthy so he'll grow strong." You respond, attempting to give some more food to Megumi but his lips are sealed shut. You sigh and put the spoon down. "You're full?"

You take the bowl and spoon away, setting them down in the sink before going back and picking up Megumi from the high chair. You take him to the sink to wash his little face and hands that are covered with food.

"Ah! You won!" You hear Toji, putting down his cards on top of the pile. Misaki cheers, finally winning a game during the night. You smile hearing her cheers, and Toji's fake complaints. "Rematch?"

You walk back to them, and watch them for a minute straight before putting Megumi down in his playpen. It's six at night, and you usually put him to bed at seven thirty. You bathe him at seven, then prepare a bottle which doesn't take more than thirty minutes.

You watch the toddler stand up, holding on to the side of the playpen for balance. He attempts to walk to his favorite toy, and he manages for a bit before losing balance and having to crawl. You look at Misaki and Toji, who are both focused on their game.

"I'll take a quick shower before starting dinner." You tell them. You have a long day ahead and the moment you finish eating dinner you want to put your daughter to bed and go to bed yourself.

"Okay." Toji responds, and your daughter gives you a thumbs up. You leave them alone, knowing that Toji will stand up if Megumi needs anything, after all Megumi is his son. Toji knows he'll win again, like the other five times, but he gets tired of winning. He never really thought a person could get tired of winning. Or maybe it's the fact that his win causes Misaki to get frustrated and gloomy. "I'm gonna win this time, Misaki."

"I'm gonna win." She answers, much confidence in her tone. He'll let her win again. He just has to make sure Misaki doesn't figure out that he's letting her win. He knows Misaki is smart and can put two and two together. At least smarter than a normal five year old.

"Are you excited for Megumi's birthday party tomorrow?" Toji asks and she nods. She thinks a lot of kids will be there to play with her. She hadn't yet put together the fact that not many kids will be there.

"Can I also have a birthday party? Mommy wasn't able to give me one this year but she promised me she'll give me one when I turn six." She questions. Toji knows her birthday is in May, so they still have a lot of time before it comes.

"We'll make sure you get a birthday party. The greatest one. Something better than what you have imagined." Toji says, making her eyes widen in awe at the idea. She grins as she looks back at her cards.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now