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It's fair to say you were shocked when Toji assured you that Shiu was no longer a problem. He promised you that Shiu was no longer a threat. That you and Misaki could come back home. You were hesitant. For the first couple of days you refused, yet, he kept insisting. Until you gave in.

Finally, after too much time, you're at the doorstep of your home. It's way too early in the morning, and Toji has no idea that you're back home. It's a surprise for both Megumi and Toji.

Misaki waits right behind you, excitedly. She wonders why it's taking so long for you to open a simple door. It doesn't take this long, usually. When the door finally opens, you step aside so Misaki can enter the place first. You're not sure whether to follow her or grab your suitcases.

Just in case, you leave the suitcases in the car. You enter the home, which is rather... You hold back any negative comments. It's clearly not as clean as you left it, but you can't blame Toji knowing that he's had so much on his plate. You close the door before taking off your shoes.

"Misaki, let's say hi to them. Come with me." You tell your daughter. You extend your hand and she holds it. You both walk upstairs. You walk to your bedroom and open the closed door. You smile at the sight of your husband and son asleep on the bed. You lean down a bit and whisper, "Let's wake them up, okay?"

You walk over to your side of the bed, where Megumi lays, and you caress the top of his head before you kiss his little head. Misaki climbs on the bed, while you fill the toddler's head with kisses. While you wake Megumi up, Misaki pokes Toji's arm.

Megumi's eyes finally open. He opens them slowly, before he makes out the figure before him. That makes his eyes open wide, and he quickly sits up. He smiles brightly before he tries to wrap his arms around your neck, "Mommy!"

"My sweet baby." The happiness radiates from your voice. You hug him back. You don't want to pull away so quickly, because it's been so long since you've hugged him. You take in his scent, and nearly want to cry at the feeling of his tiny arms.

When he pulls away he notices Misaki and calls her nickname to get her attention. She looks at him and hugs him before he can initiate a hug.

"Gumi, how are you?" She asks. She hadn't realized how much she missed her baby brother until now. Megumi doesn't really answer, still not fully awake.

With all the commotion, Toji finally awakens. For a minute he doesn't fully process what's happening. He believes that it's a dream. His wife and daughter are hours away in another town. He doesn't really believe what's happening until you walk to his side of the bed, take a seat, and kiss the temple of his forehead.

"Is this a dream?" He asks, and you're so tempted to hum in response to taunt him. But you end up kissing his cheek. Toji smiles. Toji sits up and kisses your lips. It's all he's been wanting to do for weeks, and so much weight lifts from his shoulders after he does so. He's had somewhat of a guilty conscience after killing a man, but now that you're in front of him, he reminds himself that it's worth it.

"Misaki!" Toji exclaims. He pulls her into a big hug, one that could nearly leave her breathless. She hugs him back. He kisses her forehead before he pulls away and smiles at her, "My princess. How are you?"

"I'm good." She responds. She starts to tell him about your little adventure, and he listens attentively. He's not really processing what she's saying, in disbelief that you're finally home. After turning him down so many times, you two are finally here.

"I'll go get our stuff from the car." You tell them and stand up.

"I wanna help!" Megumi is quick to say, knowing that the last time you walked out of the house, you left for a long time. You chuckle, looking at the toddler's messy hair and his dinosaur pajamas.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now