↳ 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚

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Toji doesn't remember his purpose as he feels the sea breeze gently brush against his body. He takes a deep breath, smelling the salty air that's all around him. He looks outside the balcony, looking at the people that walk in groups. The loners who decide to enjoy the night sky as they walk along the shore. And the couples.

The couples are what hurt the most as he studies the beach. He had once promised her a trip like this one when they both had the funds. And now that he's here, he feels as unhappy as ever because the trip wasn't for him, it was for her.

She always talked about the sea and how she wished to see it again. She used to talk about how when she was younger she would usually go to her grandmother's beach house for the summer break, and once her grandmother sold the house she was never fortunate to visit the sea again. He promised her to buy her a house by the beach, where they could go each summer with their children.

Toji sighs and tries to not think of her, because he let himself be vulnerable the first night here which brought him great shame the next day. He doesn't want to cry when you're right inside, knowing that you'll make fun of him. He deserves it, he knows.

He looks back at the beach, his eyes immediately looking at the full moon. Its beauty graces the beach, it's a beauty like no other. Its gleams reflect on the sea, and he smiles at the daydreams he once had of them together as they stared at the moon.

"I miss you." He mutters. And the smile slowly drops, his heart going back to its gloomy state. He looks at the black wedding band that adorns his left ring finger. It's the one from his wedding. His real wedding. From his real matrimony. "I swear I'm doing this for Megumi."

And his lips slowly tug upwards as he mentions his son. That's his purpose. His only purpose. Once upon a time it was her, and then it was them both, and finally it's only his son.

He lives, and breathes, and survives on the piece of shit Earth to take care of Megumi.

He stops watching the tranquil moon, and goes back inside to find his current wife on the bed. He sighs as he picks her up, and puts her down on the couch, careful to not wake her up. He had claimed that bed when they got there, and he's not willing to give it up to anyone. Especially to her of all people.


As you ride in the black car the Zenins had sent, on your way to your new home, excitement rushes through your body. You can't wait to see your daughter again. You were only away for five days, but it feels like an eternity. You miss her in a way you've never missed someone before.

You look out the window and watch as you drive to your new home, and you wonder how your new home looks. Maybe you'll have a bit more freedom here- It's been a while since you had a taste of freedom and you miss it. What you don't miss are the financial struggles that you were always in, but supposedly you won't have those struggles anymore.

Toji doesn't look out the window, he doesn't look really anywhere. He's facing straight ahead, his eyes not really focused on anything. He bounces his leg anxiously, waiting to get to his new home to finally see his son. He misses the teething baby who won't let him get an ounce of sleep. Never did he think he would love a tiny human who popped into his life ten months ago so much.

"We're here." The chauffeur announces and Toji quickly opens the door. He gets out as you scoot over to get out from the same door, but he slams the door shut before you can get out. You sigh before opening the door and getting out of the car as well. The chauffeur parks and gets out to get your luggage out of the trunk.

The house is beautiful, nothing as extraordinary as the mansion you got married in, but it's still pretty big. Sufficient for a family of four. It's a two-story family home, the outside white with a brown roof. A magnolia tree adorns the outside of the home.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now