↳ 𝙊𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙑𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩

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"Kiki, is your backpack ready?" You ask your daughter, walking into the room. She kneels on the ground, putting away a couple of notebooks. You kneel down as well to help her, but she quickly puts the bag away, making you question if she's hiding anything. "Kiki, what do you have there?"

"Nothing..." She answers, trying to give you a smile, showing off the two front missing top teeth. You furrow your eyebrows a bit, squinting your eyes, trying to figure it out. She's clearly hiding something.

"Misaki, show me your bag." You tell her, and she shakes her head. If she was being somewhat discreet about what she was hiding before, she clearly messed it up now. She hugs her bag, attempting to shield it from you. You say her name again with a much stern tone of voice. She finally lets go, and you grab the bag to see what's in it. "Misaki... Why are you bringing toys to school?"

"To play." She answers nonchalantly. She knows this is something that she shouldn't be doing since she was attempting to hide her bag. It makes you sigh as you begin to take the toys out of the bag.

"What have I told you about lying?" You begin to reprimand her as you put the toys on the bed, and begin to search for the notebooks that the little girl had taken out to stuff the toys in. Both the notebooks and toys couldn't fit in, so of course she could sacrifice the notebooks.

"You lie to me all the time, mommy." She argues, which makes your head snap to look down at her. One eyebrow raises, curious and concerned about what she means. "You told me the tooth fairy would come to give me money last week, but I'm still as poor as yesterday."

"Oh..." You respond, relieved to hear it's because of some childish belief as the tooth fairy. You hold back a chuckle at how she phrased her message. "Maybe she's stuck elsewhere in the world. You know how many people lose teeth? You know, she's also working overtime in retirement homes giving money to old people that also lose their teeth. There's so many people and only one tooth fairy."

"When will she come by?" She asks, staring at you with the beautiful doe eyes that you adore so much. You wish you could give her an answer, but you don't have cash on you nor does Toji. Toji swears he'll stop by an ATM to get some cash, but he always forgets, too eager to get home and see the rest of his family.

"I don't know... It'll take a while. Your granddaddy might get some money from the tooth fairy before you do." You chuckle, but she doesn't find it funny. Quite the opposite, she bursts into tears.

"Honey, what's wrong?" You ask as you watch tiny tears fall down her tiny cheeks. You lean down to be able to look at her and wipe her tears. It's so sudden.

"Grandpa will get tooth fairy money before me!" She sobs, and a sigh nearly escapes your lips. You're about to tell her that it was a joke, but you hear Toji's voice from the hallway.

"I heard crying, is everything okay?!" Toji raises his voice as he walks towards the room. He enters, holding toddler Megumi in his arms. He sees Misaki crying, and puts Megumi on the floor. Toji crouches down, spreading his arms so Misaki will come to hug him, and she runs to him and wraps her tiny arms around him. As much as she can hug. "What's up, Kiki?"

"Grandpa will get money before me." She cries, and Toji looks at you, raising his eyebrow. You sigh and shut your eyes for a moment before you feel someone tap your leg. You open your eyes and pick up Megumi from the floor, kissing his cheek.

"What do you mean, honey?" Toji asks, his eyes staring at you, and you look back at him. Megumi is looking as well, wondering why his sister is crying. Megumi looks at you and you look back at the toddler.

"Always crying." He says, shaking his head disapprovingly. He's a crybaby himself, so you don't understand why he comments that. It makes you want to laugh though, but you don't want to hear him say something similar when she's listening.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now