↳ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨

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"Do you have everything, Misaki?" You ask your daughter, who hums in response. She sits on the couch, her backpack beside her as she waits for Toji to come downstairs. She kicks her feet and watches the TV, while you try to get Megumi to finish his breakfast.

After almost having sex with Toji last night, you went to bed normally. The moment your head hit the pillow you fell asleep. Almost as if something had been lifted off your shoulders because for weeks and weeks on end, it was taking you a long time to fall asleep.

You have yet to see Toji this morning, but you know he's awake. He's taking his sweet time upstairs, making you wonder if he's avoiding talking to you. But thankfully your mind is occupied with the baby who eats his food.

"Is that good?" You ask, watching as he eats his blueberries. He's so focused on eating, it's just so adorable. You're always around Megumi and you can't get used to his cuteness. Same thing with your daughter, so you know this is something that will never go away.

You stand up to grab a towel and wet it so you can clean your messy baby. When you walk back, you finally see Toji coming down the stairs. He walks over to Misaki and kisses the top of her head, before walking over to Megumi and doing the same. He smiles at you, and you don't know if your eyes are deceiving you but he looks as handsome as ever.

He goes to the kitchen to serve himself breakfast, and once he does he sits down at the table. You take Megumi from the highchair, and the baby immediately attempts to reach for his dad, "Dada."

"Let him eat, baby." You tell the baby as you begin to walk away but Toji speaks up.

"I can hold him." Toji says, knowing that he'll go for hours and hours on end without his baby boy. Megumi is already growing up so fast, and he wants to appreciate every moment. Toji just feels like he isn't appreciating his baby enough.

You give him the baby, and Toji puts him down on his lap. Megumi can barely see Toji's plate, but he notices some blueberries and immediately reaches for some. Toji notices and gives some to the baby. A smile appears on the father's face as he watches his son delighted with the blueberry.

You leave them alone and sit down with your daughter. You kiss her cheeks before speaking to her, "Have you decided what you want to wear on your birthday?"

"I wanna look like a princess, mommy." She answers.

"But you already are a princess." You respond, and she shakes her head.

"With a dress and a tiara." She adds. You chuckle, agreeing with her. You know that Toji bought her a tiara, an expensive one at that.

"How about we go shopping after school for your dress?" You ask her and she nods in response. She already pictures her yellow dress and her perfect tiara for her birthday. She's beyond excited for this day.

"Is Kimiko coming to my birthday party?" She asks, as if she hasn't bugged her friend every single day for the past week about coming to her birthday party. You nod in response since you've had an affirmative answer from the child's mother.

Toji eats fast. He puts his son down on the ground and the baby comes walking to you, while Toji stands up and picks up his plate. Misaki stands up and tries to pick up the baby from the floor; she succeeds, putting him down on the couch beside her.

But that wasn't what Megumi wanted, so he turns around and gets off the couch before walking to you. You pick him up and put him down on your lap, kissing his chubby cheek.

"Are you ready to go, Misaki?" Toji asks and the little girl nods. She stands up from the couch, grabbing her backpack. You stand up as well and follow them to the door. You give Toji his baby, so Toji can say his goodbye, while you get on the ground and kiss your daughter's cheeks.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now