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It's beyond awkward the next morning. You refused to leave the bed to sleep in the guest room, therefore, Toji was the one who left. He's too upset with you to even breathe in the same room, and he hopes that him leaving you alone for the night will make you reach your senses. But it doesn't because you couldn't care any less. You don't understand why he's so upset, when you don't owe him any sort of loyalty.

You don't know how you can make it any clearer that the marriage isn't a real one. Toji was forced to marry you, and you were forced to marry him. You don't have any sort of relationship, the only time you speak is when the kids are involved. You can't uphold a conversation because you don't like each other. If this wasn't all forced, you two wouldn't even look in the same direction.

He cools off in the morning, enough to be able to go downstairs and have breakfast, even when you're also downstairs. You're still taking charge of Megumi, which he didn't expect to change. It's clear you adore the baby and an argument with him wouldn't change that. Misaki sits at the table, eating her chocolate chip pancakes. She eats calmly, which is odd behavior from her since in the mornings she's always energetic; always talking, even with the wall.

Megumi sits in his highchair, also eating chocolate chip pancakes, but they're cut into tiny pieces for him. You sit with them, not eating anything, just watching your daughter, and supervising the baby. You notice Toji, but you don't say anything to him, the same way he doesn't say anything to you.

He walks past the table, patting Misaki's head and bending down to kiss Megumi's head. He doesn't say anything when he gets in the kitchen. Usually your kind gesture to him is to make some breakfast for him, using the excuse that you made too much for yourself and the kids, but today there's nothing for him.

He looks for something to make for himself. Something easy, preferably nothing that makes him turn on the stove. He finds cereal and sticks with that. It's a Sunday and you're thinking of what you can do with the kids today, because even though staying in is the ideal plan for you, it isn't for them. At least not Misaki.

"What do you want to do today, honey?" You ask your daughter, and she shrugs, quietly eating her pancakes. This is a bit odd coming from her. The worst comes to mind, but you try to brush it off as the mom mentality that always makes you think of the worst case scenario. "We can go out to the park, or we can stay in."

"Let's go to the park." She responds. That sounds fun. More fun than staying in and watching TV all day long. She finishes up, putting her fork and knife down on top of the plate. She grabs her napkin and cleans her mouth. She announces she's done. "Done."

"Okay, honey. Go upstairs to change while I finish up with Megumi, call me if you need help." You tell her and she nods in response. She gets up and runs to the stairs, and once you know that she's gone, you speak up.

"Hope you don't mind me taking Megumi for the day." You tell him, and Toji isn't sure what to say. Instead of you, it should be him. He doesn't get to spend much time with his son, and on the one day he has off, you want to take the baby?

"How about I take them? You know, since I rarely spend that much time with them anyway. And you can take care of yourself." He says, which in a way is really nice from him. You wonder what's up since you doubt he'd be so nice especially after last night's argument. "Maybe you can spend your time with your little side piece, or whatever you like to do in your free time."

"You can take Megumi, I'll take Misaki." You say, getting up from your chair and picking up baby Megumi from his highchair to wash his face in the sink. "Not like I would trust you with her anyway to let her go with you to the park."

"Hmm...?" He questions, pieces of the argument slipped out of his mind. He just remembers this rage clouding his mind, stopping him from thinking straight. Nothing was off-limits. He had the sole purpose of hurting you, it didn't matter to him what he had to say. "Why would you not trust me with her?"

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now